________________ farasita ] Good will to all and ill will to none is the one distinguishing feature of Jainism. Its simple teachings such as to abstain from evil thoughts, words and deeds, and to cherish universal love, can be easily attractive of any one who has com mon sense. एक विद्वान ने जैनधर्म की उच्च और विशद पद्धति के सम्बन्ध में उल्लेख करते हुए लिखा है किः " In Jainism there is neither promise nor persuasion, neither flattery nor frightening. Conversion by coercion, by temptations, by deceit or by terrorising is not a point of faith in Jainism. The thunder of Zeus, the prospect of Houris, the tortures of hell form no forces to draw a soul to Jainism. Its truth is universal. It is the most ancient and the most thorough system of Rationalism in the world. It is a sober truth, propounded after deep and deliberate consideration." श्रीमान् जी. एस. खापर्डे महाशय ने कहा था: "The Karma philosophy and the Jaina ethical code demonstrate that the Jainas have been an eminently democratic people, highly independent in thought and character, with no spiritual or temporal fetters to keep them cribbed, cabinned and confined.', उपसंहार मित्रो ! अब इस लेख को समाप्त करते हुए जो अन्तिम शब्द