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knowing sage who could accurately des cribe them. People falling into the net of delusion or ignorance set up by the imagination of various writers, blindly follow innumerable paths of religion. The eight kinds of actions are
(1) Actions that obscure knowledge, (2) Actions that obscure cognition, (3) Actions that create feelings (of pain or pleasure,) (4) Actions that bring on delusion, (5) Actions that determine period of life (Age), (6) Actions that determine the individuality (Name,) (7) Actions that determine the surroundings (Clan,) (8) Actions that inferfere with the performance or enjoyment of good things.
The first is of five kinds, the second of nine, the third of two, the fourth of 28, the fifth of 4, the sixth of 93, the seventh of 2, and the eigth of 5 kinds i. e. there are altogether 148 kinds which are not separately described here for fear of space.