( 154 ) injury. The shůstru which is tested by the fire of the real qualities of things as described and tested from all the points of views and is found to be free from the black spots of siperstition is called a táp shuddhi shâstra. The shastra which des. cribes the attributes of things from a single point of view, is not called tap shuddhi shástra. The aforesaid tests relate to the shâshtras. It is also a necessary condition that the author of the true shástra must
be faultless and omniscient. 81 Q.-What traditions are there on the subject
and what is their present form ?
Shuk alias Parivrâjak, son of Vyâsaji, ascertained the real truth from muni Thâvachchaputra, desciple of Lord Arishtnemi and accepted the true dharma. It is so described in Sri Gnâtâ Sûtra. The Nirâvalikâ Sûtra says that Somal Brahman learned 14. sciences (4 Vedas, 6 angâs, dharma minânsâ, Tarka or Mâyâ, and the Purâna) and after enquiries accepted the householder's duties grahasth dhar.