( 173 ) of which enmity they might have written improper things. If they wrote falsely their books are not to be accepted. Thus it has been fully proved that the avatârs of the people were of such character as mentioned in their books. Bharatrahari praises Cupid for having made slaves of the highest gods when they are attacked by the amorous dances of pretty and charming women.
Consequently the writers of the times of the 24 Tirthankaras wrote their lives just as they actually were. Thus the biographies and the images of the avatars fully prove their faults and faultlessness.
98 Q.-What are the biographies and qualities of
the Tirthankaras ?
If you want to read the biographies of the twenty four Jaina Tirthankaras in the historical form, please read the Trishashtishalâkâ-purush-charitra by Hemachandra Sûri. I give you a brief account of the life of the blessed Lord Mahâvira, the last Tirthankara.