( 195 ) 154 Aristnemi. 22nd Tirthanker of the Jains. 98 Avadhi. Knowledge independent of senses,
comprising limited objects. 123 Atom. [Parmânu] 150 Baldev-Elder brother of Vasudeva, who is
the king of 3 continents. 99 Bahushruta-One learned in many shastras. 190 Belief in Tatvas - [Darshan]. 121 Bhutâs-Five material elements-Earth,
Water, Fire, Wind and Sky. 16 Brahma-One of the Puranic Gods believed
to be the creator of the world by the
Hindus. 16 Buddhists-Followers of Lord Buddha. 92 Calumny. [Abhyâkhyân]. 13th Papasthân. 40 Canon of Real existence of phenomena
[Satakhyâti]. 176 Chandnâ. Virgin daughter of king Dadhi
vâhan. She was the first among Shrâvi. kâs to be initiated in Jain Diksha by Lord Mahavir. She is known as Chand.
nabâlâ. 150 Chakravarti. King of 6 continents : Bharat
was the 1st Chakravarti in the begin. ning of this cycle.