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The qualities of Arhat and Siddha both together are 1. Avyaya (immortal) 2. glorious 3. Achintya (beyond thought), 4. incalculable, 5. Primeval, 6. Brahma, (possessor of infinite happiness) 7. Ishwar (Lord of devas), 8. Anant (Infinite) 9. The destroyer of cupid, 10, Lord of Yogis, 11. proficient in Yoga, 12. manifold, 13. One, 14, pure intelligence, 15. immaculate.
Each of these attributes is explained as follows:
1. Immortal is that which exists in all times-past, present and future. (2) Glorious because he shines as the Lord over all gods such as Indra and others. (3) Beyond thought because even mental contemplation is unable to grasp him. (4) Incalculable because his qualities can not be calculated as they are beyond all enu. meration. 5. Primeval or first because he leads the path to righteousness in the world. 6. Brahma because he is the seat of infinite happiness. 7. Ishwar because