( 160 ) put these questions to you. Consequently God is not the administrator of justice (to the living beings) in the universe, nor does He make the human beings high or low, wealthy or destitute, happy or miserable, rich or poor, educated or ignorant, beautiful or ugly. For instance a man is travelling and while on his way a brick or a piece of stone or wood etc. falls down from a house upon his head in consequence of which his head is broken and he suffers great pain. Now you see that the house was not built by God, it was built by artisans and that the brick or stone or wood etc was not placed there by God, and God did not throw it or break his head. That brick or stone or wood was worn out by time. The brick etc being either worn out by time or moved by any man or animal or wind broke his head and caused him pain. But this was not caused by God. Consequently God hạs not created various kinds of pleasure and pain, highness and lowness in this world. On the other hand, by prawah (unbroken succession) this variegated universe comes