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is akria (motionless) i.e. one who can not do anything regarding motion like akash (sky). If God is all-pervading, all powerful, merciful, well-wisher of all living beings and preacher of the true religion, where in the religious Samajic disputes arise which create ill. feellings in worldly and religious matters among the people and cause the death of lacs of people and become the cause of many other troubles and calamities etc. why does not then God who is in those sakahas and who is merci. ful, all-pervading and all-powerful say at once that this is true and this is false and that one particular thing be done and the other avoided and that such is his statement which shows the true path and the others not. When in order to remove the troubles of the worldly beings God by remaining in the womb of woman and then having been born saves them from their enemies, why can he not remove those troubles at once without adopting the above procedure. If he cannot adopt the latter procedure, He cannot be proved to be omnipotent.