( 153 ) combined and prohibits doing injury to living being, speaking false hood, committing theft, keeping wife, having possessions, anger, arrogance, Mâyâ (illusion), avarice, etc, is a Kash shudha Shâstra. The Shâstra which deals with arth (wealth), kâm (passion) combined, and is full of stories and shows the ways to mokshha in a secondary way is not kash shudha shâstra. The shâstra which deals with all the constructive and destructive methods of worship and conduct is called a chheda shudha shâstra. A saint should take care of the living beings even when he answers the calls of nature. It is most proper to take care of living beings in doing every dhârmic act.
The shâstra which prohibits the doing of an act for one purpose and dictates its doing for another purpose cannot be called chhed (shudhi-shastra). For instance the Vedas which when dealing with the question of liberation prohibits injury to living beings and when dealing with the question of worldly possession sanction such an