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being the ruler of the world. This is in brief the description of God as believed in by the Jains. The Naiyayikas and Vaisheshikas consider Shiva to be the God who creates and destroys the world, rewards and punishes men according to their good or evil actions and sends them to heaven or hell, pervades the whole universe, takes periodical incarnations in the world to destroy the wicked and protect the good. The Buddhists believe in a God similar to that of the Jains but they believe in his incarnations in the world, the followers of the Vedas believe that whatever there is in the world is God. The followers of Nir-ishwar Sankhya School and Jaimini philosophy do
not believe in God at all. 60 Q.-What view of God can be held according
to modern science ?
The modern science is not opposed to the Jain scriptures ; it is in harmony with them. The Arhats have ascribed infinite powers to matter. There was also a