( 150 ) who follows great vows and is a learned man, maintains those who deserve support, is à prudent and farsighted man who knows much and is always grateful to him who has done anything for him, is loved by all, is submissive, merciful, is of agreeable nature, is doing good to others, is resolute in giving up the company of 6 inner enemies viz, passion, anger, avarice, pride, mada and joy, controls the contact of the senses with their objects. One who observes the aforesaid 35 things is said to truly possess all the attributes of a householder. The attributes of a Dharmic person have already been descri. bed under the head of duties of householder
and saint. 80 Q.-What power does the soul of human
being possess to get a high position ? A.-The high positions are two, one secular
and the other spiritual. The secular position are such as of Indra, Chakravarti, Vasudeva, Baldeva, Mandlik Raja etc. The doing of the aforesaid 35 things en. able one to attain this position.