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cal strength, that he becomes famous in the world and that he may attain a higher position in future. By reason of tricks, anger, pride, greed, passion, jealousy, &c., man's nature is vitiated. It is by the practice of virtues that a man becomes possessed of forgiveness humility, serenity of mind, contentment,
passion, hatred &c. 64 Q.-What is the superiority of man ?
A.--Man considers himself superior to all
animal kingdom in wisdom.
63 Q.-In what respect is man inferior to God ? A.-The liberated souls whether in body or
without body possess pure knowledge, pure sight, infinite power, infinite happiness, immortality, birthlessness, immutability, purity, immovability, indestructability, &c.; such infinite powers are their characteristics. In the case of a man these powers remain clouded by the darkness of actions. This is the inferiority of man to God.