( 107 ) bad actions. The Vedantists hold that whatever there is in the universe is but Brahma who manifests himself in various ways. The belief of the Jains is that when a being after having done good actions in innumerable births attains the position of a Tirthankar or Arhat in any birth, he shows to all deserving beings the way to liberation, which leads to the promulgation and performance of virtuous deeds. Wben a Tirthankar or Arhat shuffles off this mortal coil and attains salvation, he becomes a Siddha (the perfect) who is full of the eternal bliss of knowledge, of an eternal life of unending joys. He never does anything pertaining to the mundane affairs. These are in brief the various beliefs of
63 Q. - What is the nature of man ?
A.--It is man's nature to desire that he is highly respected and esteemed by others, that he is superior to others in prosperity riches, family, beauty, health, and physi.