( 105 ) and Vaisheshika doctrine believe God to be the creator of the universe but this is not the view of the Jains and the Bud. dhists. All except the Jains believe that God takes incarnations in the world, being born in the womb of a woman. Except the Jains and the Buddhists the followers of all other religions consider God to be omnipresent. The Jains too consider God to be omnipresent by reason of his faculty of knowledge and not owing to his body. God is considered to do justice and give reward or punishment to all beings by all religionists except the Jains and the Buddhists. Similar is the view as regards God's power to do what he likes. In respect to the following attributes of God, all religions hold a common view, subject to differences now and then in the meanings of these words.
The attributes are :Without age, without death, without birth, without measure, without impurity, without form, unthinkable, uncountable,