( 104 ) valid by all learned men. Matter and spirit are therefore to be accepted eternal. When this has been conceded, the forces inherent in them will have also to be recoynised as eternal. These forces manifest and destroy themselves when they get the aid of their concommittant causes such as Time, disposition, law, inter action, and .mutual combination. According to the modern science the view of God as held by other religionists is found invalid.
61. Q.-In what respects do statements about
God fourd in different religious books agree and in what do they differ?
A.--Jains, Naiyayikas, Patanjalists, Baddhists, and the followers of the Velas hold God to be omniscient. That God is without a body is a common belief. That God is one without any beginning is the belief of the followers of Nyaya aud Vaisheshika doctrines and of the Vedas. The Jains and the Buddhists hold God to be beginningless but not one. The followers of the Vedas and of the Nyaya