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This statement also disposes of the argument that the life of the parents is the material cause of the life of the child. When the parents are affected by ailments, the children are not similarly affected. But a material cause always follows its effect and cannot be separated from it just as the earth and the pot. If the life of the parents is inseparable from the life of the child, the latter's life should have a similar relation. This will show that the qualities or effects of elementale are not feelings. It also proves that there is a soul. Further information regarding the creed of the Chârvâkâs is to be found in such works as Sammati-tarka, Syâd vâdaratnakara &c.
72. Q.--What do the old Shâstrâs say with regard to the social and friendly dealings of human beings among themselves?
A.-A man should have friendly feelings towards human beings, do good to them, assist them in trouble, preach true Law (truth) if he knows, should not take