[ The Seventy two Kalas
tions ? What are excrement, urine, sweet, nails, and hair, how are they formed, and deformed ? How many are the hair-cavities in the body, what is their function and what is the necessity of keeping them clean and neat ? What rules should a man observe about his food and conduct in order to attain a long life, health, happiness and strength of mind? What are diseases and how can they be diagnosed by feeling the pulse, looking at the face and other external symptoms of the patient? What are the diagnosis of a certain disease and what changes should be made in its treatment in consideration of the particular patient, time and placeWhat is the nature and what are the characteristics of every eatable and non-eatable drinkable, and non-drinkable object as well as of the herbs and drugs of this world, and what difference is made in them by the change of climate. When, where and how metals should be purified scientifically? What is the method of preparing Rasas and Bhasmas and at what age their use would be beneficial ? How can a man attain perpetual happiness and health and conquer hunger, thirst and sleep by using Rasas prepared according to the science of Ayurveda ? What are the main divisions of diagnosis? In which treatment and on which patients
are the surgical operations performed ? etc etc. (23) SHAD BHASHA" SIX LANGUAGES:-The knowledge
of six languages namely Sanskrit, Sauraseni, Magadhi. Prakrita, Paisachi, and Apabhramsha, was spread througl:
this art. (24) "YOGABHYASA” PRACTICE OF YOGA:- This wilsio
means to turn the mind from charming worldly ohjeettowards the realisations of the Paramatman. The 81 kinds
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