Bhagwan Mahavir ]
loses his credit.” With this end in view, the Lord, too, paid the debts of his Karmas incurred in his previous lives with an open heart. He seemed to challenge the Vyantari to clear up her accounts with him in any way she liked. It was as to say, "Vyantari, as long as you do not free me from debts it is impossible for me to attain salvation. This Upasarga of yours will prove a great provision for me on the High way of Salvation. Really, I bear no grudge against you.” At last, the Vyantari, who was following a wrong path, surrendered herself before the peace,forgiveness, forbearance, patience, and self-control of the Lord. She was very proud of her power, but when she was defeated, she began to dispise it. She approached the Lord and begged pardon of him. After that, she disappeared.
Goshala, too, suffered these Upasargas more or less; but this time, he suffered them with delight. The feeling of hatred towards them bad vanished from his mind. He felt that the reality of tha evolution of his virtues lay in the endurance of Upasargas.
The Lord then resumed nis Vihara, came to Rajagriha towards the beginning of the Rainy Season. He decided to observe lis eighth Chaturmasa in that city, and with this resolve le stood in meditation after taking upon himself the vow of practising a course of Penance extending over four momihs duration accompanied by a fast. During his stay there, he had got to face no Upasarga wl;atsoever. The Rainy season passed away very quietly and at its close, Lord Mahavira resumed his Vihara, He took his food and drink outside the city. In fact, he did not want to stay there any longer, for the people of that city were greatly devoted to
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