Bhagawan Mahavir)
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willed and patient people keep themselves more and more steadily to the path of duty and righteousness. Everybody knows that worldly happiness has made no one truly happy up to this time. All are subject to sorrows, calamities, and miseries more or less; still man fears them day and night; is it not his spiritual weakness ? There is no distinguishing mark in the great souls. Neither have they got any crown nor any horn on their head. They are just like ourselves, and have two hands, two legs, and a body measuring about 34 cubits just as we have. The only difference between them and us is that they are able to bear all kinds of Upasargas, miserise and troubles patiently, while we are not. They consider all timely and untimely Upasargas as the friut of their own Karmas, and consequently suffer them all gladly, without any feeling of revenge for them. This is the virtue which makes them an object of worship for all ages to come.
Such p-ople as Lord Mahavira teach to the world by means of their own ideal deeds that it is futile to worry about the destiny which is sure to come and which cannot be prevented even at the cost of one's own life. So be patient and welcome all the calamities with a resolute will. If you act in this way, you will be able to break the fetters of Karmic bondage and progress towords the Highway of Liberation. Thus your miseries and troubles will come to an end of their own accord. Remember that the fruit of Patience is always sweet. But if a feeling of revenge comes in your mind at the time of Upasargas; and if, by chance, you leave this world with such a feeling in your heart, be sure that you shall have to atone for it, in some other life, and there too, it you do not change your ways, you can never be able
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