Bhagwan Mahavir ]
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their first breath till the time they breathe their last, they are given body and soul to doing good to others. They think others welfare to be their own welfare. They do not mind whether the world calls them good or bad, successful or unsuccessful. They care only for maintaining the right path most resolutely, patiently and seriously. No temptation of this world can win them over, nor can they ever be moved by miseries.
Every high soul has got a definite mission for his life. He finds out easy solutions for the problems of his day, and tries to and to the happiness of the public at large. Future generations of men may make use of his adventurus deeds and his ideal teachings in order to get over the difficulties that face them. Thus, although a High Soul belongs to only one country by birth, still he is for all the countries, for all the castes and for all times. He lived in his time, he lives in the present, and he will live for all future ages. He leads humanity on the path of his ideal. He is immortal; his deeds are immortal; and his character is immortal. In spite of his being heirless, he forms a link connecting the chains of past and future; and he is like a searchlight for all ages to come.
After attaining Kevala-Jnana, Lord Mahavira had commenced to deliver his religious sermons to the wailing multitudes of men. All were free to come and listen to his instructions, whether they be miserable, ignorant, or men of a turbulent nature. There was no consideration for caste, creed, colour, religion, position and sex. His heart felt for all. Any seeker of Truth could take shelter under his religious banner and satisfy his desires to his full.
Seeing and experiencing the Lord's selflees kindness,
Jain Education International
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