Bhagawan Mahavir ]
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tree or creeper was barren; what kind of manure was necessary to fertilise it; whether it was being eaten by worms or its seed was weak and spoiled; and what easiest and least expensive (methods) should be adopted in order to enable it to bear fruit in short time; similarly, why certain people were unable to beget children-whether the male organ was defective or the female one and whether the male germinating fluid lacked impregnative molecules or the female one; and if so, what sure and easiest methods requiring least time, money and labour, should be adopted; in order to remove such defects and to unable such people to bear children; what were the sure, unfailing and patent medicines for the above diseases in the STHAVARAS and the JANGAMAS which could be used by the rich and the poor alike, etc.
(50) “DHARA-BANDHANA” Rendering the power of a stream useless:- This art taught how to walk or run on the sharpest edges of knives, spear and swords etc. after rendering them useless by means of incantations, spells or spiritual power and to thrust such weapons into the body of someone without hurting him in the least; how to stop the current of a stream in flood or to check its flow after dividing it into many streams; how to divide the current of a river into two streams, and make way between them and to go or send some one across it and again to bring the river inits former position etc.
(51) "CHITRA-KALA" Art of painting: -Long and intricate things which require books and volumes be described by writers and poets and even those which are not easily. understood by illiterate people or men of small learning are painted in their most vivid form by a clever painter on å page or half of it, with the help of his hand with some colours
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