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[ The First Rainy Season in the Moraka Sannivesha
“ The cows come and graze round the hut of Mahavira. Not only this, but in accordance with their beastly nature, they have also destroyed his hut. Mahavira sees all this, but never tries to stop or drive them away. People, therefore think that he is the only real ascetic in the whole hermitage while others are merely a band of rogues," The Head Ascetic was at one with them. He went to the Lord and said to him very scornfully, “ It is seen, Oh sage, that even birds do take care of their nests. But you, being the son of a Kshatriya ( warrior ) and a prince, could not protect even your own hut from the cows. Fie on such carelessness I what a vast difference between your father and yourself. Your father always tried to protect this hermitage, while you have allowed it to be destroyed through your own laziness. The ignorant may be pardoned for their carelessness, but the wise have no excuse."
The Lord heard all these taunts of the head ascetic very patiently. He was not at all angry with him. He was determind to put an end to his karmas anyhow. Still, being compelled by a feeling of his duty as an ascetic, he decided to leave the place, after accepting the following vows:
(1) That he should never live in unwelcome places; (2) That to be silent is gold; (3) That he should always be careful about the soul
and never about the body. (4) That he should take his food using his own palm
as a dish and (5) That he should never render serivce to a Griha.
stha ( a layman ).
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