Bhagawan Mahavir )
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paying all the fixed taxes for the protection and welfare of the State, the following things were also included in the service of the king:-(a) to help the king physically, mentally and financially whenever necessity arose; (b) to obey and maintain the laws of the state; (c) to realise that the duty of a good citizen was to protect the king and his kingdom; (d) to know that those people could not serve the king who were not wise and learned, who were not honest, who did not respect and maintain the learned and thoughtful persons, who gave alms but not to the deserving people, who did not know how to live happily and who did not care for their relatives; (e) to feel that there should be no feeling of selfishness in the loyalty to the king; and (f) to render service to the king thinking it to be his due. But when it is known that the king instead of being the protector of the life and honour of his subjects assumes to himself the role of a lascivious man, the trend of the service must be changed.
(34) “SAKUNA-VICHARA” Omen-reading:--With the help of this art one could easily read good and bad omens. People used to note the significance of an omen before they began any work. Even today people, and especially those who are brought up under the influence of ancient civilisation, undertake something after they have paused for a moment in order to give thought to an omen that might have occured at that time. The cries of birds and beasts, their going on the right or left at the time of starting on a journey, the arrival of a widow or a married lady in front of the man who wanted to begin a work, and such other occurrences, were the main incidents with the help of which the future events were foreknown by people well-versed in this art. In
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