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________________ bhagavAn RSabhadeva ke putra, gommaTeza bAhubalI (3rappresta noast fets) Bhagwan Shri Rishabh Dev's Son, Gommatesh Bahubali (A Monograph for International Readers) Author Dr. Chakravarthi Nainar Devakumar M.Sc., Ph.D., ARS, FNAAS Former Assistant Director General, Indian Council of Agricultural Research Mob. 8010509335; Editors Prof. M.L. Jain Dr. R.K. Jain MA, M. Phil. (Ex. Vice Principal) Retd. Head of Dept., PGDAV College, Sri Venkateswara College (Delhi University) Delhi University Mob. 8860297854 Mob. 9213985270 Publishers Arinjaya Jain & Tathagat Jain F-3, Green Park, New Delhi, Mob. 9969143948;
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________________ (c) Dr. Chakravarthi Nainar Devakumar (2018) Title of Book : Bhagwan Shri Rishabh Dev's Son, Gommatesh Bahubali: (A Monograph for International Readers) bhagavAn RSabhadeva ke putra, gommaTeza bAhubalI (aMtararASTrIya pAThakoM ke lie) Author : Dr. Chakravarthi Nainar Devakumar Editors : Prof. M.L. Jain and Dr. R.K. Jain Holder of the Copyrights: Dr. Chakravarthi Nainar Devakumar Publishers : Sarvashri Arinjaya Jain & Tathagat Jain F-3, Green Park, New Delhi 110016 Year of Publication 2018 New Delhi Place of Publication Edition Digilot; First Copies : 1000 Price : Rs. 100 Language : English & Hindi Address for print copies : Sarvashri Arinjaya Jain & Tathagat Jain F-3, Green Park, New Delhi 110016
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________________ The Two Architects of Millennium Mahamastakabhishek sahasrAbdI mahAmastakAbhiSeka ke do mahAn Ayojaka pa. pUjya rASTrasanta AcAryazrI 108 vidyAnaMda jI pUjya jagadguru karmayogI svastizrI cArukIrti Param Pujya Rashtrasant bhaTTAraka svAmIjI, zravaNabelagolA Acharya Shri 108 Vidyanand Ji His Holiness Jagadguru Karmayogi Swastisree Charukeerti Bhattaraka Swamiji, Shravanbelgola
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________________ Content Foreword Bhagwan Rishabh Dev Teachings of Prince Rishabh Dev Bharat & Bahubali Mahamuni Bahubali's Supreme Penance The last Srutkevali Bhadrabahu The Story of Chandragupta Maurya Shravanbelgola Chavundaraya The Dream that Came True: Making of the Grand Statue Story of Sculptor-Chagad Tyagada Brahmadeva Pillar Vindhyagiri & Chandragiri The Immortal Story of Gullikayi Ajji Other Statues of Bahubali The Famous Ladies Connected with Bahubali Various Versions of Bhagwan Bahubali Story Gommata and Other Names of Bahubali Lessons from Bharat-Bahubali Story Resources Hymns on Bhagwan Bahubali How to reach Shravanbelgola? Page viSayasUcI No. prastAvanA bhagavAna RSabhadeva rAjA RSabhadeva kI zikSAe~ bharata aura bAhubalI mahAmuni bAhubalI kI mahAn tapasyA antima zrutakevalI bhadrabAhu candragupta maurya kI kahAnI zravaNabelagolA cAmuNDarAya eka sapanA jo saca huA : bhagavAn bAhubalI kI vizAla pratimA kA nirmANa zilpakAra cAgata kI kahAnI tyAgada brahmadeva stambha vindhyagiri evaM candragiri gullikAyI ajji kI amara kahAnI bAhubalI kI anya mUrtiyA~ bAhubalI aura unakI pratimA kI pratiSThA se jur3I huI kucha prasiddha mahilAeM bha. bAhubalI kI kahAnI ke vibhinna rUpa gommaTa aura bAhubalI ke anya nAma bharata aura bAhubalI kI kahAnI se zikSAe~ saMdarbha sUcI zrI bAhubalI stotraM zravaNabelagolA kaise pahuce?
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________________ FOREWORD prastAvanA Gommatasangaha suttam Gommata siharuvari Gommata Jino ya GommatarAya viNimmiya dakkhiNa kukkuda JiNO jayatu || (Gommatasara, Karma kand Gatha No. 968, Acharyasri Nemichandra Siddhant Chakravarti) gommaTasaMgahasuttaM, gommaTasiharuvari gommaTajiNo y| gommaTarAyaviNimmiyadakkhiNakukkuDajiNo jayadu // 968 // (AcArya zrI nemicandra siddhAnta cakravartI viracit gommaTasAra karma kANDa se) Bhagwan Shri Neminath, the Gommatajina whose idol was installed at Chandragiri by Gommataraya and the southern Lord of serpents viz, Bhagwan Bahubali whose magnificient statue at Vindhyagiri is adored. We invoke them for the success of this book. bhagavAna zrI neminAtha jI jinheM gommaTa jina kahate haiM tathA bhagavAna bAhabalI jI jinheM dakSiNa nAyAz2a yA kakkaDa jina kahate haiM. unakI martiyoM ko gommaTarAya jI ne kramaza: candragiri tathA vindayagiri meM banavAyA. isa pustaka kI saphalatA ke lie hama unakI vandanA karate haiN| bhagavAna bAhubalI ke sambandha meM yaha vizeSa pustikA karnATaka rAjya ke zravaNabelagolA meM sthita unakI vizAla pratimA ke 88veM mahAmastakAbhiSeka ke This mini-book on Bhagwan Bahubali being brought out to commemorate the forthcoming 88th Mahamastakabhishek of Bhagwan Gommatesh Bahubali in February 2018 in Shravanbelgola, Karnataka also captures the glimpses of glorious past of our country. Our country, Bharat or Bharatvarsha derives its name from the legendary Emperor Bharat. Bhagwan Adinath, the father of Bharat and Bahubali, has been the architect of human civilization. He not only organized the modern concept of human society, he introduced six branches of economic activities viz agriculture, education, art & craft, defence, commerce and engineering. His contributions to human civilization are too elaborate to be covered in any single book. No wonder, the Hindu scriptures and puranas contain hymns in praise of him. yaha hamAre deza ke gauravazAlI atIta kI bhI kucha jhAMkiyAM citrita karatI hai| hamAre deza bhArata yA bhAratavarSa ko apanA yaha nAma paurANika yuga ke mahAn samrATa bharata se prApta huA hai| bharata aura bAhubalI ke pitA bhagavAn AdinAtha RSabhadeva mAnava sabhyatA ke mahAn zilpakAra rahe haiN| unhoMne na kevala mAnava samAja kI Adhunika parikalpanA ko saMgaThita kiyA balki Arthika gatividhiyoM kI cha: zAkhAoM kA bhI nirdhAraNa kiyA - kRSi, zikSA, kalA evaM zilpa, rakSA, vANijya aura yNtrklaa| mAnava sabhyatA ke vikAsa meM unakA yogadAna itanA vyApaka hai ki use kisI eka pustaka meM sameTa pAnA saMbhava nahIM hai| ataH yaha koI Azcarya kI bAta nahIM ki hindU zAstroM aura purANoM meM unakI prazaMsA meM anekAneka stutiyAM prastuta kI gaI haiN|
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________________ The contributions of his two daughters, Brahmi and Sundari, in the field of scriptology and mathematics are legendary. Emperor Bharat is credited with the developments of administration, governance and social order. The authorship of Gayatri mantra and many types of puja is credited to him. Bhagwan Bahubali (not to be confused with the film title) is remembered primarily for three reasons: First, he was the first votary of freedom of expression in the human history. He went to the extent of waging a war against his own elder brother whom he respected. We are happy that our Constitution enshrines and protects our freedom of expression and privacy to life. Second, he was the first karmayogi who sacrificed the fruits of victory and renounced the world. Third, he was the first model Saint to undertake the hardest form of penance. AdinAtha jI kI do putriyoM, brAhmI aura sunandA kA lipi-vijJAna aura gaNita ke kSetra meM apratima yogadAna rahA hai| samrAT bharata ko zAsana-prabandha, rAjya-saMcAlana aura samAja-vyavasthA ke vikAsa kA zreya diyA jAtA hai| gAyatrI mantra kI saMracanA aura aneka prakAra kI pUjA paddhatiyoM ke vidhAna kA gaurava bhI unheM hI prApta hai| bhagavAna bAhubalI (bAhubalI nAmaka philma kA inake sAtha koI saMbandha nahIM hai) ko mukhyarUpa se tIna bAtoM ke lie smaraNa kiyA jAtA hai : prathama, ve mAnava itihAsa meM abhivyakti kI svataMtratA ke prathama udaghoSaka the| yahAM taka ki unhoMne apane hI bar3e bhAI ke viruddha yuddha karane kA nirNaya liyA, usa bhAI ke viruddha jisakA ve atyanta sammAna karate the| yaha harSa kA viSaya hai ki hamArA bhAratIya saMvidhAna hamArI abhivyakti kI svataMtratA aura jIvana kI nijatA ke adhikAroM ko samAviSTa karate hue unakA saMrakSaNa karatA hai| dUsare, ve prathama karmayogI the jinhoMne vijaya ke phala ko svecchA se chor3ate hue saMsAra kA parityAga kiyaa| tIsare, vaha prathama aise Adarza santa the jinhoMne tapasyA ke kaThinatama rUpa kA nirvahana kiyaa| bharata-bAhubalI saMgharSa kA raktapAta-hIna samAdhAna isa bAta kA eka upayukta udAharaNa hai ki dainika jIvana aura pArasparika sambandhoM meM ahiMsA aura anekAntavAda ke AdarzoM ko kaise vyavahAra meM lAyA jA sakatA hai| kyA maMtrI-pariSad kA nirNaya vAstava meM utanA buddhimattApUrNa thA jitanA ki usa samaya samajhA gayA? kyA do rAjAoM ke bIca kA koI vivAda vyaktigata dvandva yuddhoM ke dvArA sulajhAyA jA sakatA hai? bhISaNa narasaMhAra kI bAta na bhI kareM to dono senAoM ke paraspara yuddha kA kyA pariNAma hotA? nizcaya hI, samrAT bharata apanI vizAla senA ke bala para yuddha meM vijayI hote| mAnava-itihAsa meM vivAdoM ko sulajhAne kI uparyukta paddhati kA anusaraNa phira kabhI nahIM kiyA gyaa| The Bharat-Bahubali conflict resolution without bloodshed is an apt example of applications of Ahimsa and Anekantvad in daily life and bilateral relationship. Was the decision of the council of ministers as wise as was thought of? Can any dispute between two kings be settled through individual bouts? Notwithstanding the causality of lives, what would have happened if both the armies were involved in the war? Surely, the emperor Bharat would have won the battle given the huge army he had amassed. In the human history this kind of dispute settlement was never repeated.
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________________ Another issue pertaining to land rights. This practice of eka anya prazna bhUmigata adhikAroM se saMbandhita hai| rAjA dvArA apanI distribution of lands to all princes was given up sooner. Only, the bhU-saMpatti ko sabhI rAjakumAroM meM vitarita karane kI yaha paddhati zIghra hI chor3a eldest son was given the heir. Will it help in arresting further dI gii| kevala sabase bar3e putra ko rAjyAdhikAra sauMpA gayA, kyA yaha paddhati hamArI kRSi-yogya bhUmi ko aura adhika khaMDoM meM vibhAjita hone se rokane meM fragmentation of our arable lands? sahAyaka ho sakatI hai? Shravanbelgola is famous for the visit and samadhi of Samrat zravaNabelagolA samrAT candragupta maurya ke eka digambara jaina muni ke Chandragupta Maurya as a Digambar Jain saint. He was the most rUpa meM vahAM Ane ke lie bhI prasiddha hai aura unakI samAdhi bhI vahIM hai| vaha famous and powerful monarch in the recent history. His kingdom was hamAre nikaTavartI itihAsa meM sarvAdhika prasiddha aura zaktizAlI samrATa rahe haiN| spread from Afghanistan in the west up to Burma in the east and unakA sAmrAjya pazcima meM aphagAnistAna se lekara pUrva meM barmA taka phailA covered most part of the modern India excepting Tamil Nadu and huA thA aura tamila aura ur3IsA rAjyoM ko chor3akara Adhunika bhArata kA Odisha. There might have been some alliance with Tamil kings. At the adhikAMza bhU-bhAga unake adhikAra kSetra meM thaa| saMbhava hai ki tamila rAjAoM ke prime age of 49, he renounced the throne at the behest of Srutkevali sAtha bhI kucha sandhiyAM kI gaI hoN| uncAsa varSa kI alpAyu meM samrAT Bhadrabahu. Noting that Bhadrabahu was born to a Brahmin family candragupta ne zrutakevalI bhadrabAhu kI preraNA se siMhAsana kA parityAga kara and the close friendship with Chandragupta, one is tempted to think diyaa| isa bAta ko dhyAna meM rakhate hue ki bhadrabAhu kA janma eka brAhmaNa - that he was none other than Chanakya. parivAra meM haA thA aura unakI candragupta ke sAtha pragADha mitratA thI. aisA bhI socA jA sakatA hai ki bhadrabAhu aura koI nahIM, cANakya hI the| The great immigration of Srutkevali Munisangh supervised by samrAT candragupta ke nirIkSaNa meM zrutakevalI munisaMgha kA dakSiNa bhArata the monarch Maurya to South India was a turning point in the annals meM mahAn dezAntaraNa bhAratIya itihAsa aura jaina paramparA donoM kI eka of both Jainism and Indian history. The Ajanta Ellora in Maharashtra mahatvapUrNa nirNAyaka ghaTanA thii| mahArASTra kI ajantA-elorA aura karnATaka and Badami caves in Karnataka herald this great immigration. kI bAdAmI guphAeM isa mahAn dezAntaravAsa kA udghoSa karatI haiN| Chavundaraya, the commander-in-chief of Ganga dynasty gaMgA-rAjavaMza ke senApati cAmuNDarAya dvArA san 981 meM was motivated to install the grand statue of Gommatesh Bahubali at zravaNabelagolA meM gommaTeza bAhubalI kI vizAla pratimA kI sthApanA karavAnA Shravanbelgola in 981 A.D. It was in fact to commemorate this great vAstava meM aMtima zrutakevalI bhadrabAhu ke netRtva meM 12000 muniyoM ke vahA~ migration of the munisangh of 12000 saints led by antim Srutkevali dezAntaravAsa karane kI ghaTanA ke smaraNArtha bhI abhiprerita thaa| cAmuNDarAya kA Bhadrabahu. He was ably guided by his guru, Acharyasri unake guru AcArya nemicandra siddhAnta cakravartI dvArA upayukta mArgadarzana kiyA Nemichandra Siddhant Chakravarti. While the sculpting of the statue gyaa| jisa samaya pratimA kA nirmANa kArya cala rahA thA, unhoMne prAkRta bhASA was progressing, he also undertook to create popular Jain scriptures ___meM anekAneka jaina dharma graMthoM kI bhI racanA karavAI jaise - gommaTasAra,
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________________ viz Gommatasara, Triloksara, Labhdhisara and Dravyasangraha in Prakrit. The story and hymns of Bahubali are available in Prakrat, Sanskrit, Tamil, Kannada, Marathi and Hindi. The author, both the editors and publisher are religiously grateful to the revered persons like Acharyasri Vidyanand Ji Maharaj and Bhattarak Ji of Shravanbelgola for their inspired contributions. The patronage of erstwhile Maharaja of Mysore is also remembered with gratitude. The art work of Mr. Vinit Garg (mob. No. 9212790110) is also acknowledged. trilokasAra, labdhisAra aura drvysNgrh| bAhubalI kI kahAnI aura unake stuti-gIta prAkRta, saMskRta, tamila, kannar3a, marAThI aura hindI bhASAoM meM upalabdha haiN| isa pustikA ke lekhaka, sampAdaka aura prakAzaka parama pUjanIya AcAryazrI vidyAnaMda jI mahArAja aura zravaNabelagolA ke mAnanIya bhaTTAraka jI jaise mahAtmAoM ke hRdaya se AbhArI haiN| hama maisUru ke bhUtapUrva mahArAjA ke prati bhI unake saMrakSaNa ke lie hArdika AbhAra vyakta karate haiN| kalA-citroM ke lie zrI vinIta garga dhanyavAda ke pAtra haiN| 1 January 2018 Prof. M.L. Jain Dr.R.K. Jain 1 janavarI, 2018 naI dillI prophesara ema0 ela0 jaina DaoN0 Ara0 ke0 jaina New Delhi
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________________ BHAGWAN RISHABH DEV Bhagwan Rishabh Dev, the first Tirthankar was the founder of Jainism in this cycle of time called AvasarpiNi. Jain chronology places him in almost immeasurable antiquity in the past. He was born at the end of the third period in the current regressive half cycle of time (Avasarpini). The legend has it that Bhagwan Rishabh became so integral to human civilization that the Hindu PuraNas like Bhagavat Puran, Vedas and Upanishads hail him in many praiseworthy ways. He is mentioned as an incarnation of God Vishnu in Bhagwat Puran. There is copious evidence that he was worshiped in the Indus Valley civilizations. Numerous seals of image of bulls (bull being the symbol of Rishabh) have been found and also a nude image of a male standing in standing posture (Kayotsarga) in Mohenjo-Daro excavations. The Vedas hail him as a long haired sage often associated with Shiva. Some images of Rishabh have been found with locks of hair hanging on the shoulders. His father was king Nabhi, one of the patriarchs (Kulkaras) of that era and his mother was Marudevi. When Rishabh was prince, the planet earth changed its status from the land of enjoyment (Bhog bhumi) to that of labour (Karma bhumi). It meant that people had to work for their livelihood. The Prince organized the society and taught Asi (defence), Krishi, Masi (literature), Vanijya (Commerce), Shilpa (Crafts and engineering) and Vidya (Knowledge and skills) to people. In other words, he is the one who taught all the basic skills that mankind needed. Thus, Bhagwat Acharya Jinasen in Adipurana virtually called him Adi Brahma. The importance of Rishabh Dev therefore lies in the fact that he created the organization of human society and was called Prajapati (Lord of Creatures), Adi Nath (First Lord) and the World Teacher. He was also the first lawgiver to the society and set up spiritual bhagavAn RSabhadeva tIrthakara zrI RSabhadeva jainadharma ke prathama pravartaka the| kAla-nirNaya kI dRSTi se unakA sambandha prAcInatama yaga se hai| unakA janma vartamAna avasarpiNI kAla (nirantara hAsa kI ora unmukha) ke tIsare ArA ke antima bhAga meM huA thA, jaba janajIvana pahale kI taraha sugama aura suvidhApUrNa nahIM raha gayA thaa| hindU bhAgavat purANa meM RSabhadeva ko bhagavAna viSNu kA avatAra kahA gayA hai| isa bAta ke paryApta pramANa haiM ki RSabhadeva kI sindha ghATI kI sabhyatAoM meM pUjA kI jAtI thii| vRSabha yAnI baila (jo ki RSabhadeva kA pratIka cihana hai) kI AkRti lie anekAneka mohareM prApta huI haiM aura kAyotsarga mudrA meM sIdhI khar3I eka nagna puruSa kI AkRtiyA~ bhI mohanajodar3o kI khudAiyoM meM prApta huI haiN| vedoM ke stotroM meM unakA ullekha eka lambe bAloM vAle maharSi ke rUpa meM kiyA gayA hai, jinakA sambandha zivajI se jor3A jAtA hai| RSabhadeva kI kucha AkRtiyoM meM unheM kaMdhoM para bikharane vAle lambe bAloM ke sAtha dikhAyA gayA hai| ___RSabhadeva ke pitA nAbhirAya kulakara the aura unakI mAtA kA nAma marudevI thaa| nita naI samasyAoM se kaMThita hokara nAbhirAya ne RSabhadeva se salAha maaNgii| RSabhadeva ne samAja ko saMgaThita karate hae logoM ko asi (talavAra-saMcAlana), kRSi (khetI), masi (lekhana), vANijya (vyApAra), zilpa (kArIgarI) aura vidyA (jJAna) kI zikSA dii| dUsare zabdoM meM, unhoMne mAnava-samAja ko ve saba AdhArabhUta kalAeM sikhAI jinakI unheM AvazyakatA thii| ina vyavasAyoM ne pRthvI ko bhogabhUmi se karmabhUmi hone meM sahAyatA kii| isI kAraNa AcArya jinasena ne AdipurANa meM unheM Adi brahmA kahA hai| isa prakAra RSabhadeva kA mahattva isa bAta meM hai ki unhoMne mAnava-samAja ko eka naI vyavasthA pradAna kI
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________________ and secular laws for society and mankind. He also devised the new marriage system. jisake kAraNa unheM prajApati, Adideva aura vizva-zikSaka kahA jAtA hai| unhoMne samAja ko kAnUna aura nyAya-vyavasthA ke sAtha-sAtha eka naI vivAha-paddhati bhI pradAna kii| rAjA RSabhadeva kI zikSAe~ Teachings of Prince Rishabh Dev kRSi, vidyA aura zilpa Agriculture, Knowledge and Sculpting asi, masi aura vANijya | Defence, Crafts and Commerce
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________________ King Rishabh Dev, the king of Ayodhya had two queens by names, Yashasvati and Sunanda. Queen Yashasvati gave birth to Bharat and 98 sons and a daughter, the legendary Brahmi. Queen Sunanda gave birth to a son by illustrious name, Bahubali and a daughter by name Sundari. Bahubali was the most handsome and the tallest person of his times. He was known as Kamadev. The wonder-image of Bahubali at Shravanbelgola reminds us of his magnificient personality. If Bharat was supremely courageous, Bahubali was incomparable in valour. He taught scriptology and mathematics, respectively to his daughters, Brahmi and Sundari. After ruling his kingdom with relish for a very long period, one day the celestial Lord Indra arranged a dance programme. It is being said that Indra wanted Rrishabh Dev to renounce the world so that the primary goal of Tirthankar of establishing Dharma for the benefit of pious souls would be taken up. Accordingly, in the dance programme, he introduced an apsara by name Neelanjana whose lifespan was too short to complete her dance. The apsara disappeared in between and Indra instantly introduced another identical copy of her so that the audience could not notice the change of the dancer. Being highly intelligent, he could notice this change which triggered in his mind a train of events leading to the dawn of vairagya. He decided to renounce the world. To make sure that his sons do not squabble after his departure, he distributed his kingdom among all his sons. prathama tIrthakara RSabhadeva ayodhyA ke rAjA the| unakI do rAniyAM thIMyazasviti aura sunndaa| yazasviti ne 99 putroM aura eka putrI ko janma diyA, bharata unameM sabase bar3e the| sunandA ne eka putra aura eka patrI ko janma diyaa| patra kA nAma bAhubalI thA aura ve atyanta rUpavAna hone ke kAraNa manmatha yAnI kAmadeva ke nAma se bhI jAne jAte the| koI bhI anya vyakti unase adhika sundara nahIM mAnA jAtA thaa| zravaNabelagolA meM sthita bAhubalI kI vizAla pratimA unake mahAna AkarSaka rUpa kI jhalaka mAtra hai| yadi bharata atyanta zUravIra aura sAhasI the to bAhabalI kA parAkrama atulanIya thaa| rAjA RSabhadeva ne akSaramAlA kA vikAsa karate hue apanI bar3I putrI brAhmI ko usakA jJAna karAyA aura choTI putrI sundarI ko gaNita-vidyA kI zikSA dii| jaba RSabhadeva ko AnandapUrvaka rAjya karate hae bahata samaya bIta gayA, taba eka dina devendra ne unakI rAjasabhA meM eka nRtya-kAryakrama kA Ayojana kiyaa| aisA kahA jAtA hai ki indra cAhate the ki RSabhadeva aba saMsAra kA tyAga kara deM jisase tIrthakara ke prAthamika lakSya ... punIta AtmAoM ke kalyANa ke lie dharma-sthApanA - kI pUrti ho ske| tadanusAra, nRtya kAryakrama meM unhoMne nIlAMjanA nAma kI eka aisI apsarA ko prastuta kiyA jisakI jIvana-avadhi itanI kama raha gaI thI ki vaha apanA nRtya bhI pUrA nahIM kara sakatI thii| ataeva vaha apsarA nRtya ke bIca meM hI antardhyAna ho gaI aura indra ne bar3I caturAI se usake sthAna para usa jaisI hI eka anya apsarA ko isa taraha se prastuta kiyA ki darzaka isa parivartana ko lakSita nahIM kara paae| para RSabhadeva ne atyanta buddhimAna hone ke kAraNa turanta isa parivartana ko pahacAna liyA aura nIlAMjanA ke Akasmika nidhana kI ghaTanA ne unake mastiSka meM aisI pratikriyAeM utpanna kI ki unake hRdaya meM saMsAra se vairAgya kI bhAvanAeM jAgrata hone lagIM aura unhoMne nizcaya kiyA ki aba ve sAMsArika kAryoM ko choDakara Atmonnati ke lie tapasyA meM saMlagna hoNge| unake vana gamana ke pazcAta putroM meM ApasI saMgharSa na ho, isa uddezya se unhoMne apane rAjya kA vibhAjana karate hue pratyeka putra ko eka bhAga pradAna kiyaa| ayodhyA jyeSTha putra bharata ko sauMpI aura podanapura bAhubalI ko| [7]
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________________ bA~e se daoNe bAhubalI, nartakI nIlAMjanA, rAnI yazasvatI, rAjA RSamadeva, rAnI sunandA, bharata nartakI nIlAMjanA ke Akasmika nidhana para RSabhadeva ko vairAgya utpanna huA aura dIkSA lene kA nirNaya liyaa| (L to R) Bahubali, Neelanjana, Queen Yashasvati, Lord Rishabhdeva, Queen Sunanda and Bharat At the sudden death of the dancer, Neelanjana, a sense of detachment dawned in Lord Rishabhdev who decided to renounce the world
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________________ BHARAT & BAHUBALI After some time, Chakra-ratna (a weapon in the form of a wheel overseen by deities) appeared in Bharat's armoury. Its importance was that Bharat would become an emperor. It also meant that he would have to conquer and take control of the whole world. Bharat embarked on a conquest and numerous empires bowed before his onslaught. Bharat returned to Ayodhya. bharata aura bAhubalI kucha samaya pazcAt rAjA bharata kI AyudhazAlA meM eka cakra-ratna prakaTa huaa| usakA pratIkArtha yaha thA ki bharata aba cakravartI bneNge| isakA Azaya yaha bhI thA ki aba unheM sampUrNa saMsAra ko jItakara apane niyaMtraNa meM lenA hogaa| bharata vijaya yAtrA para nikala par3e aura anekAneka sAmrAjyoM ne unake AkramaNa ke sAmane ghuTane Teka die| rAjA bharata kI AyudhazAlA meM eka cakraratna prakaTa huA jisakA pratIka artha yaha thA ki bharata ko sampUrNa saMsAra ko jItakara cakravartI bananA hogaa| bharata ne bAhubalI ke pAsa dUta bhejA ki vaha usakI sarvoccatA svIkAra kreN| With birth of the Chakra- Ratna in the armoury of King Bharat, it was an indication that he would become an Emperor. He sent a messenger to Bahubali to accept his Supremacy. The Chakraratna stopped at the gate of the fort. For a Moment, Bharat was taken aback. He consulted the foreseers. "You may have conquered the whole world" they told the jaba bharata ayodhyA lauTe to cakraratna durga ke mukhyadvAra para acAnaka ruka gyaa| eka kSaNa ke lie bharata cauMka pdde| unhoMne nimitta-jJAniyoM se isakA kAraNa puuchaa| nimitta-jJAniyoM ne kahA, "Apane bhale hI sampUrNa
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________________ triumphant king, "but your brothers have not yet accepted your supremacy." Bharat sent messengers with mission to "Tell them to accept me as the Emperor." Bharat's 98 brothers were disgusted. "Greed for empire has gripped our eldest brother. He will not allow us to rule the kingdoms that our father gave us. It's better to abandon our regal rights and follow in father's footsteps," they said. All the 98 of them discarded their crowns, clothes and ornaments and performed kesha lochana (practice of initiation) before the devine presence of Bhagwan Rishabh. King Bahubali however rejected this path of meek surrender. He refused to accept subordination to his elder brother as the emperor. He took to task, the messenger who conveyed Bharat's order. "I am reigning over Paudanpura given to me by my father. Why has brother cast his eyes on it? I have no wish to hand over this land though he is my elder brother. Go and tell him that. Is he not content with his empire?" said Bahubali. saMsAra jIta liyA ho para Apake bhAiyoM ne abhI taka ApakI AdhInatA svIkAra nahIM kI hai|" bharata ne zIghra hI sabhI bhAiyoM ke pAsa dUta bheje ki ve use cakravartI samrAT svIkAra kreN| sabhI bhAI yaha socakara usake prati glAni se bhara gae ki hamAre sabase bar3e bhAI ko rAjya-lipsA ne grasa liyA hai| jo rAjya hamAre pitA hamako dekara gae haiM, vaha hameM una para bhI rAjya nahIM karane degaa| isase to yahI acchA hai ki hama apanA adhikAra chor3akara pitAjI ke caraNa cinhoM para hI cala pdd'eN| sabhI 98 bhAI kezalocana (bAloM ko hAthoM se toDanA) karate hae RSabhadeva jI ke samavasaraNa meM sammilita hote hue tapasyA meM saMlagna ho ge| para bAhubalI ne isa mArga kA anusaraNa nahIM kiyaa| unhoMne apane bar3e bhAI ko cakravartI samrAT mAnane se iMkAra kara diyaa| jo dUta bharata kA saMdeza lekara unake pAsa AyA thA, unhoMne usase kahA, "maiM jisa podanapura para rAjya kara rahA hU~, yaha mere pitA ne mujhe diyA hai| merA bhAI isapara kudRSTi kyoM DAla rahA hai? yadyapi vaha mere bar3e bhAI haiM para merI isa bhUbhAga ko unheM dene kI koI icchA nahIM hai| jAo aura unheM batA do| kyA vaha apane rAjya se saMtuSTa nahIM hai?" dUta ne kahA- 'zrImAn! maiM to kevala saMdezavAhaka huuN| maiM rAjA bharata ko jAnatA huuN| Apa zAntipUrvaka apane bar3e bhAI kI sarvoccatA svIkAra kara liijie| bharata ke pAsa cakra bhI hai aura rAjadaNDa bhI jo unake lie apane virodhiyoM ko zAnta karane ke lie paryApta haiN| unakI AdhInatA svIkAra karake Apa sammAna bhI prApta kareMge aura vaibhava bhii|"baahublii krodha se tilamilA utthe| 'nikala jAo yahA~ se| yadi tuma dUta na hote to na jAne maiM tumhAre sAtha kyA karatA? kyA tuma mujhe dhamakI de rahe ho? aura pralobhana bhI? cale jaao|" unhoMne apane sevakoM ko dUta ko bAhara taka chor3akara Ane kI AjJA dii| __ "Sir, I am only a messenger," replied the messenger, "| know the emperor. Accept the emperor's supremacy quietly. Bharat has the chakra (wheel) and the rod (sceptre). They are enough for him to subdue his opponents. When that is the case, you will gain both esteem and wealth if you submit to him and join his court." Bahubali seethed with rage. "Get Out. I don't know what I would do to you if you were not a messenger. Are you making threats and offering inducements? He ordered the messenger to be thrown out. But the messenger did not yield. "This is all I can say [10]
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________________ finally," he said. "The King Bharat is an Emperor. Everyone should accept his sovereignty, lest he would not hesitate to tame you also. He has both the wheel and the mighty army." Would Bahubali take this quietly? "Go. Go, I know all that," he said. "Even the potters in my land have the wheel and rod! If Bharat's greed and arrogance have no limits, then let there be war." With this stalemate, the negotiations broke down. para dUta zAMti se cale jAne vAlA nahIM thaa| usane kahA, "maiM aMta meM itanA hI kaha sakatA hU~ ki rAjA bharata cakravartI bananA cAhate haiN| sabako unakI sArvabhaumikatA svIkAra kara lenI cAhie anyathA ve Apako parAsta karane meM saMkoca nahIM kreNge| bAhubalI ne kahA, "jAo-jAo, maiM vaha saba jAnatA huuN| eka kumhAra ke pAsa bhI cakra aura DaMDA hotA hai| yadi bharata ke lobha, ahaMkAra aura haTha kI koI sImA nahIM hai to yuddha ho jAne do.....|" aura isake sAtha hI vArtA-krama TUTa gyaa| maMtriyoM dvArA bharata aura bAhubalI ko sujhAva denaa| Ministers proposing a resolution to avoid bloodshed The rival armies faced each other in the battlefield. But the wise minsters of both sides appealed to the adversaries to stop the battle. "If Tirthankara's sons set off bloodshed, it can virodhI pakSoM kI senAeM yuddhabhUmi meM Amane-sAmane A khar3I huii| para donoM pakSoM ke maMtriyoM ne pratipakSiyoM se yuddha rokane kI prArthanA kii| "yadi [11]
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________________ only be calamitous. This is a matter of prestige between you two only. Therefore, why not the two of you wage a duel? The winner can be deemed as Emperor," they suggested. Both the brothers very generously gave their consent. The ministers then designed three rounds of battles viz. Drishti Yudh, Jal Yudh and Malla Yudh. Drishti Yudh means constant staring at each other till one succumbs with a winking of eyes. Jal Yudh means flashing water at each other till one succeeds. Malla Yudh means wrestling. ahiMsA-mUrti tIrthaMkara ke putroM ne raktapAta Arambha kiyA to isakA pariNAma bhayaMkara hogaa| yaha kevala Apa donoM ke madhya sammAna kA prazna hai ataeva kyoM nahIM Apa donoM ke hI bIca yuddha ho jAe? jo jItegA vahI cakravartI mAnA jAegA.... unhoMne sujhAva diyaa| donoM bhAiyoM ne isa para udAra mana se apanI-apanI sahamati prakaTa kii| nirNAyakoM ne dvandva yuddha ke tIna caraNa prastAvita kie - dRSTiyuddha, jalayuddha aura mllyuddh| bharata aura bAhubalI ke bIca dvandva yuddha - prathama caraNa: dRSTi-yuddha Duel between Bharat and Bahubali: First Event - Gaze Combat dvitIya caraNa: jala-yuddha Second Event: Water Combat [12]
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________________ Bahubali won first two rounds with ease and in the third round, he hoisted Bharat aloft with both hands but with respect put him down. He was overtaken by compassion and grief. bAhabalI ne pahale donoM saMgharSa AsAnI se jIta lie aura tIsare saMgharSa meM unhoMne bar3e bhAI bharata ko apane donoM hAthoM meM Upara uThA liyA aura unheM pRthvI para paTakane vAle hI the ki tabhI unake mana meM bhAI ke prati dayA-bhAva upaja AyA aura unhoMne bharata ko AdarapUrvaka utArakara nIce khar3A kara diyaa| MINISTINITION PINNI tRtIya caraNa - mallayuddha bAhubalI kA bharata ko apane donoM hAthoM meM Upara uThAne ke bAda AdarapUrvaka unheM nIce utArakara khar3A krnaa| Third Event - Wrestling: After lifting Bharat in his two hands, Bahubali respectfully placed him down [13]
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________________ That, for Bharat, was a moment of shame. He ordered the Chakra-ratna to slay Bahubali. But Bahubali had won the duel of the brothers. The chakraratna went round Bahubali thrice and came to a halt. Bahubali grew even more disillusioned. Greedy Bharat would not hesitate to kill his own brother for the sake of power, he felt, "We are children of such a great king but what example have we set for our subjects? Thoughts of treason? Who wants this kingdom which turns brother against brothers?" he mused and instantly, he set off for the forest. Remorse gripped Bharat too. "Who wants this empire if you depart for tapasya?" he cried. But Bahubali was firm and left the place to pursue renunciation. bharata ke lie to yaha ghora apamAna kA kSaNa thaa| unhoMne turanta cakraratna ko bAhubalI kA saMhAra karane kI AjJA dI, para bAhubalI ne dvandva-yuddha meM vijaya prApta kI thI, phira ve carama-dehadhArI aura eka hI pitA ke putra the ataeva cakraratna unake sAmane niHzakta thaa| cakraratna ne bAhubalI kI tIna pradakSiNAeM kIM aura phira sthira ho gyaa| bharata ke isa AcaraNa ko dekhakara bAhubalI kA mana aura bhI aruci se bhara gyaa| unhoMne socA, "sattA ke lie manuSya apane bhAI kI bhI hatyA karane meM saMkoca nahIM karegA...." unhoMne kahA - "hama eka mahAna rAjA ke putra haiM para hamane apane prajAjanoM ke lie kyA udAharaNa sthApita kiyA hai? - rAjadroha ke vicAra ! aisA rAjya kise cAhie jo bhAI ko bhAiyoM kA zatra banA de?" aura aisA kaha kara unhoMne vana kI ora prasthAna kiyaa| bharata kA hRdaya bhI pazcAtApa se bhara gyaa| rote hue hI unhoMne kahA-"yadi tuma tapasyA ke lie cale jAoge to yaha rAjya mujhe bhI nahIM caahie.....|" para bAhubalI apane nirNaya para sthira rahe aura vana meM tapasyA ke lie cale ge| bharata ne cakrarala ko bAhubalI ke saMhAra kI AjJA dI para cakraratna bAhubalI kI pradakSiNA karake, binA unheM koI kSati pahu~cAe vApasa lauTa aayaa| Bharat attacked Bahubali with Chakra-Ratna but it returned back after going around Bahubali with reverence jo pAkara bhI chor3a de use tyAgI kahate haiM aura jo jItakara bhI svecchA se hAra jAe use bairAgI kahate haiN| [14]
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________________ MAHAMUNI BAHUBALI'S SUPREME PENANCE King Bahubali went to the forest, became a Digambar Muni and stood in still erect posture (kayotsarg). One year passed, he stood still even without winking for a moment. But omniscience eluded him. The Jain scriptures prescribe diligent procedures for a Jain muni. A muni must not harm any living organism. He should not have attachment to any external entities even to a level of one atom. If challenged, he should face all hardships without violating his muni dharma. For reasons not known to us, when muni Bahubali stood in kayotsarg, creepers started encircling his legs, body and arms. Below his feet, termites and snakes built their mounds. Under the circumstances, the muni was compelled not to move his posture. In fact, he could not even sleep for a moment, lest his body might lean down causing harm to the creepers, ants, termites and snakes. Unfortunately, the bitter memories of battle with his own elder brother started haunting his mind and thus disturbed his path of elevation. This delayed to a period of one year during which time, he demonstrated the exemplary and supreme level of penance. Acharya Jinsen in AdipuraN describes his attaintment of seven extraordinary powers (Riddhi). Bhagwan Bahubali is remembered even today for this extraordinary par excellence tapasya without any violation of procedures prescribed in the scriptures. In this context, the installation of his statue by Chavundaraya assumes enormous significance. By this act, Chavundaraya could also commemorate the great art of penance as per Jain dharma. mahAmuni bAhubalI kI mahAn tapasyA bAhubalI vana meM jAkara kAyotsarga mudrA meM dhyAnamagna ho ge| para eka varSa kI kaThora tapasyA ke bAda bhI bAhubalI ko kevalajJAna kI prApti nahIM huii| jaina granthoM meM jaina muniyoM ke lie atyanta kaThora sAdhanA-paddhati kA vidhAna kiyA gayA hai| eka muni ko kisI bhI jIva ko kSati nahIM pahuMcAnI cAhie aura use kisI bhI bAharI upakaraNa yA padArtha se eka aNu mAtra bhI anurakti nahIM honI caahie| kisI cunautI ke upasthita hone para use sabhI kaThinAiyoM kA sAmanA karate hue apane muni-dharma kA nirvAha karanA caahie| isakA kAraNa to hameM jJAta nahIM para jaba muni bAhubalI kAyotsarga mudrA meM dhyAnamagna ho gae to latA-patroM ne unake pAMvoM, hAthoM aura zarIra ko lapeTa liyaa| unake pAMvoM ke nIce cIMTiyoM aura soM ne miTTI ke dUha banA lie| ina paristhitiyoM meM, ve vivaza ho gae ki eka pala ke lie bhI so nahIM pAe ki kahIM unakA zarIra jhuka jAe aura latA-patroM Adi ko kSati phuNce| durbhAgyavaza, apane bar3e bhAI ke sAtha yuddha kI kaT smRtiyA~ unake mana-mastiSka ko vyathita karane lagIM jisake kAraNa unake mukti ke mArga meM bhI bAdhA utpanna huii| aisA eka varSa taka calatA rahA jisameM unhoMne kaThora tapasyA karane kA anupama udAharaNa prastuta kiyaa| zrI AcArya jinasena ne AdipurANa me, inake sapta Rddhi prApta hone kI sUcanA dii| Aja bhI unheM isa asAdhAraNa aura anupama tapasyA ke lie yAda kiyA jAtA hai jisameM unhoMne zAstrokta kisI bhI paddhati kA ullaMghana nahIM kiyaa| isa saMdarbha meM, cAmuNDarAya dvArA unakI pratimA ke pratiSThApana kI ghaTanA aura bhI mahattvapUrNa ho jAtI hai kyoMki aisA karake cAmuNDarAya ne jaina zAstroM meM varNita kaThora tapasyA-paddhati ke prati bhI apanI zraddhAMjali prastuta kii| [15]
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________________ WOO yaha jJAta hone para ki unakA choTA bhAI abhI taka apane lakSya kI prApti meM saphala nahIM huA hai, bharata apane pitA RSabhadeva ke pAsa pahuMce aura unase isakA kAraNa puuchaa| unhoMne kahA, "vaha isa Atma-glAni se grasita hai ki vaha tumhArI bhUmi para khar3A hai....| jAo, use samajhAo....." As narrated, earlier, Mahamuni Bahubali did severe penance in the 'kayotsarga' position in the forest. The enlightenment eluded him despite such rigorous uninterrupted tapasya for a year. During this period, Bharat was busy in his royal activities and after a year went to pay obeisance to Lord Rishabh. Not finding Muni Bahubali in the assembly, he queried about him. "He is embarrassed to be standing on the land belonging to you. Go and convince him," Adinath Rishabh advised. Bharat and his two sisters went to Bahubali. Sundari said cryptically into his ear, "None will ride to liberation being mounted on the elephant. Get off the elephant." The elephant is the metaphor for his false ego. Bharat knelt at Bahubali's feet and said, "O Munishwar! this land is yours. I got it because you abdicated it. Please pardon me and attain the best in your mission" he pleaded. Mahatapaswi Bahubali's sense of misgiving ceased. He instantly attained enlightenment. He gained Moksha later. bharata aura usakI bahina bAhubalI ke pAsa gae aura bahina ne gupta rUpa se unake kAna meM kahA- "mere priya bhAI, (apane bhrAmaka vicAra ke) hAthI se nIce utara aao| "natamastaka bharata ne unake caraNoM meM jhukate hue kahA, "mere priya bhAI ! yaha bhUmi tumhArI hI hai| bharata kA vana meM tapasyA-rata bAhubalI ke pAsa jAnA / tumane isakA parityAga kara diyA thA, isalie aura unake mana kI bhrAntiyA~ dUra krnaa| yaha mujhe milii| apane saba bhrama dUra karo aura dhyAnastha ho jaao.....|" bAhubalI kI bhrAMtiyA~ Emperor Bharat went to the forest to meet dUra huiiN| unheM kevalajJAna prApta huA aura Muni Bahubali taduparAnta unhoMne mokSa pada prApta kiyaa| [16]
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________________ THE LAST SRUTKEVALI BHADRABAHU He was born as a Brahmin in Pundravardhana situated in the former East Bengal and lived during 433 - 357 B.C. Considering his proximity with Chandragupta Maurya, it was likely that he was none other than the celebrated Chanakya. He was the last Shruta Kevalin (one who is thorough with Jain scriptures) and the last pontiff Head of the undivided Jainism. He migrated with 12000 saints to Shravanbelgola to preserve the religion against the adverse famine conditions in north India. He breathed last at this place through the process of Sallekhana. His footprints can be seen in the Chandragiri, at the Shravanbelgola. The famous archaeologist Professor Radha Kumud Mukherjee has deciphered the inscriptions dated about 600 A. D., 1129 A.D., 1163 A. D. and 1432 A. D. about this divine pair. antima zrutakevalI bhadrabAhu bhagavAna mahAvIra ke yuga ke daurAna pAMca zrutakevaliyoM meM svAmI bhadrabAha antima zrutakevalI the| unakA janma bhUtapUrva pUrva.baMgAla ke panDaravardhana sthAna meM eka brAhmaNa parivAra meM huA thaa| unakI jIvana- avadhi 433 se 357 IsvI pUrva thI (Ayu 76 vrss)| candragupta maurya ke sAtha unakI nikaTatA ko dhyAna meM rakhate hue yaha kahA jA sakatA hai ki ve anya koI nahIM, vizvaprasiddha cANakya hI the| ve antima zrutakevalI the (jo jaina dharmazAstroM ke pUrNa jJAtA hote haiM) aura avibhAjita jaina saMpradAya ke antima sarvocca dharma guru the| uttara bhArata ke durbhikSa ke duSprabhAvoM se dharma ko bacAne ke lie unhoMne 12000 muniyoM ko sAtha lekara zravaNabelagolA meM dezAntaraNa kiyaa| isI sthAna para sallekhanA vrata lete hue unhoMne antima sAMsa lii| zravaNabelagolA sthita candragiri meM unake caraNa cinha dekhe jA sakate haiN| purAtattva ke prasiddha vidvAn prophesara rAdhA kumuda mukarjI ne unake divya caraNa cinhoM se saMbandhita una prAcIna zilAlekhoM kI vyAkhyA kI hai jo san 600 I.. 1129 I., 1163 I. aura 1432 IsvI ke haiN| candragiri meM zrutakevalI bhadrabAhu aura candragupta maurya ke caraNa cinha The sacred footprints of Srutkevali and Samrat Chandragupta Maurya at Chandragiri [17]
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________________ THE STORY OF CHANDRAGUPTA MAURYA The Samrat Chandragupta Maurya was the first emperor in recent history to have brought India under a single rule. Guided by his mentor, Chanakya, he could eastablish gold standards of governance. His kingdom was spread from Afghanistan in the north to Burma in the east and covered entire Indian subcontinent except Tamil kingdoms and Odisha. The well known historian Professor Radha Kumud Mookerji confirms the Jain version of Chandragupta Maurya accompanying Srutakevali Bhadrabahu to southern India. The extensive caves of Ajanta and Ellora as well as Badami caves were created to accommodate the munisangh of Bhadrabahu. The historian Vincent Smith too endorsed this historical incidence. The Chandragupta Basadi contains tableau (see photo on the next page) depicting the southern India migration of munisangh of Bhadrabahu. The Greek and Latin literature phonetically refers him with the names Sandrokottos and Androcottus. After 24 years of reign, he renounced the world at the age of 49 at the behest of his guru Bhadrabahu. He became a Jain acharya by the name of Vishakaacharya and propagated the religion in Tamil Nadu and Kerala. As a great nationalist, he had 16 dreams about the future of India and these dreams are very popular in one form or another. He practiced Sallekhana at the hill named after him. According to the famous archaeologist Mr. B. Lewis Rice, the emperor Ashok was said to have visited this place. He is credited to have named Chandragiri in honour of his grandfather. candragupta maurya kI kahAnI samrAT candragupta maurya arvAcIna itihAsa meM prathama samrAT the jo bhArata ko eka kendrIya zAsana ke aMtargata lAne meM saphala hue| apane guru cANakya ke mArgadarzana meM ve zAsana prabandha ke svarNima staroM ko sthApita kara paae| unakA sAmrAjya pazcima meM aphagAnistAna se lekara pUrva meM barmA taka phailA huA thA aura tamila evaM ur3IsA rAjyoM ko chor3akara bhAratIya upamahAdvIpa kA samasta bhUbhAga unake adhikAra-kSetra meM thaa| suprasiddha itihAsakAra prophesara rAdhA kumuda mukarjI ne usa jaina vicAradhArA kI puSTi kI hai jisake anusAra candragupta maurya ne zrutakevalI bhadrabAha ke saMgha ke sAtha dakSiNa bhArata meM dezAntaraNa kiyA thaa| ajantA aura ailorA kI vistRta gaphAoM aura karnATaka kI bAdAmI guphAoM kA nirmANa bhadrabAhu munisaMgha ke AvAsa ke uddezya se kiyA gayA thaa| itihAsakAra vinsenTa smitha ne bhI isa aitihAsika ghaTanA kA anumodana kiyA hai| candragupta basadI meM isa dezAntaraNa ko jhAMkiyoM ke rUpa meM citrita kiyA gayA hai| yUnAnI aura lAtina sAhitya meM svarazAstra ke bheda ke kAraNa unheM senDrokoTTosa aura enDrokoTTosa kahA gayA hai| caubIsa varSa rAjya karane ke uparAnta candragapta ne 49 varSa kI alpAya meM apane guru bhadrabAhu ke kahane para saMsAra kA tyAga kara diyaa| ve vizAkhAcArya nAma se eka jaina AcArya bana gae tathA unhoMne tamila aura kerala rAjyoM meM dharmapracAra kA kArya kiyaa| eka mahAn rASTravAdI hone ke nAte unhoMne bhArata ke bhaviSya ke saMbandha meM 16 svapna dekhe jo bhinna-2 rUpoM meM bahuta lokapriya rahe haiN| jisa pahAr3I para unhoMne sallekhanA dvArA zarIra tyAga kiyA usa pahAr3I kA nAma candragiri rakhA gyaa| prasiddha purAtattvavettA misTara bI levisa rAisa ke anusAra, aisI mAnyatA hai ki samrATa azoka ne isa sthAna kI yAtrA kI thI aura unhoMne hI apane pitAmaha (dAdA) ke sammAna meM isa pahAr3I kA nAma candragiri rakhA thaa| [18]
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________________ candragiri para zrutakevalI bhadrabAhu guphA The Bhadrabahu cave sallekhanA ke daurAna zrutakevalI bhadrabAhu Shrutkevali Bhadrabahu during Sallekhana zrutakevalI bhadrabAhu kA apane saMgha ke sAtha Agamana The arrival of Shrutkevali Bhadrabahu with his sangh at Shravanbelgola [19]
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________________ SHRAVANBELGOLA This place is famous for the grand and marveloous statue of Bhagwan Gommatesh Bahubali. Other epithets for this place as seen in some inscriptions are Devara Belgola and Gommatapura. It is a small township located in Hassan district of Karnataka. It is about 155 kms from Bengaluru and 222 km from Mangalore. It is 12 kms away from the National Highway no. 75 near Hirisave. Chandragiri and Vindyagiri are the two famous hills at this place. Besides, it has an old mutt ably managed by the Swastisri Charukeerti Bhattarak ji. There are many old temples near the foothills. The name Belgola was derived either from the common weed called belagulla or the wild brinjal (Botanical name: Solanum ferox) or the Sanskrit names viz. Svetasarovara & Dhavalasarovara meaning white or clean pond. The prefix Shravan referring to the SamaNas was given by Samrat Ashok. The pond is mentioned by these names in the inscriptions available there. As per the second volume of Epigraphia Carnatica, complied by B. Lewis Rice, the place is spotted with over 800 inscriptions more so in Chandragiri dating from 600 AD to 1830 AD. A perusal of the inscriptions written in proto-Kannada and old Kannada reveal the rise of this language as well as that of the various dyanasties such as Western Ganga Dynasty, the Rashtrakutas, the Hoysala, Vijayanagara and the Wodeyars Empire over a millennium. In a survey conducted by the Times of India on August 5, 2007, the statue was voted by the readers as the first of the Seven Wonders of India. zravaNabelagolA yaha sthAna bhagavAn gommaTeza bAhubalI kI vizAla aura vismayakArI pratimA ke lie prasiddha hai| isa sthAna ke kucha anya nAma belagolA aura gommaTaparA haiM jinakA ullekha kucha zilAlekhoM meM huA hai| yaha karnATaka rAjya ke hAsana jile ke aMtargata eka choTA-sA nagara hai jo beMgalUrU se 155 ki.mI. aura maMgalaura se 222 ki.mI. hai| hiriseve ke nikaTa nezanala hAive (rASTrIya rAjamArga) naM. 75 se yaha 12 ki.mI. dUra hai| yahAM candragiri aura vindhyagiri nAmaka do prasiddha pahAr3iyA~ haiN| isake atirikta yahAM eka prAcIna maTha hai jisakA sucAru saMcAlana svastizrI cArukIrti bhaTTAraka jI dvArA kiyA jAtA hai| pahAr3iyoM ke AsapAsa ke kSetra meM bahuta se prAcIna mandira haiN| belagolA nAma yA to yahAM sAmAnya rUpa se pAI jAne vAlI ghAsa jise belagullA kahA jAtA hai, se vyutpanna huA hai yA usa jaMgalI baiMgana se jisakA vanaspati-zAstra kA nAma 'solAnama phAreksa' hai| yaha saMskRta nAmoM zveta sarovara aura dhavala sarovara se bhI jur3A ho sakatA hai jinakA artha sapheda yA svaccha tAlAba hai| 'zravaNa' nAma samrATa azoka dvArA jor3A gayA thA jo zramaNa kI ora saMketa karatA hai| isa sarovara ko yahAM upalabdha zilAlekhoM meM inhIM nAmoM se abhihita kiyA gayA hai| bI. levisa rAisa dvArA sampAdita epigrAphiyA karnATikA bhAga-2 ke anusAra isa sthAna para 800 se adhika zilAlekha pAe gae haiM jinameM adhikAMza candragiri para haiM aura jinakA lekhana kAla 600 I. se 1830 taka hai| Adya aura purAnI kannaDa meM likhita ina zilAlekhoM ke adhyayana se isa bhASA ke vikAsa ke sAtha-sAtha vibhinna rAjavaMzoM ke utthAna aura patana kI kahAniyA~ bhI sAmane AtI haiM jaise - pazcimI gaMgA rAjavaMza, rASTrakUTa, hoyasolA, vijayanagara aura voDeyAra sAmrAjya ityaadi| TAImsa Apha iNDiyA dvArA 5 agasta 2007 meM Ayojita eka sarvekSaNa meM bAhubalI kI isa vizAla pratimA ko pAThakoM dvArA bhArata ke sAta Azcaryo meM prathama sthAna para cunA gayA thaa| 1200
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________________ CHAVUNDARAYA Chavundraya or Chamundaraya (940989 A. D.) was the commander-in-chief of Western Ganga dynasty of Talakad which falls in Karnataka. He worked under the reigns of Marasimha || (963-975) and Rachamalla IV (975-986). A multi-talented person and a courageous commander he was, he is now remembered more for his initiative of the construction of the grand and divine monolithic statue of Bhagwan Bahubali. His courageous exploits earned him several honorific titles such as Samara Parasurama, Vira Martanda, Ranarangasimha, Samara Dhurandhara, Vairikula Kaladanda, Bhuja Vikrama and Bhatamara. Known for his religious fervour and literary skills, his works called the Chamundaraya Purana or Trishasthi Salaka Purana in Kannada and the Charitrasara in Sanskrit are wellknown. He patronised the famous savants of his time, notably the poet Ranna and has etched his name in the history of medieval Kamataka. The Chavundaraya basadi in Chandragiri bears his glorious name. cAtuNDarAya Chavundaraya cAvuNDarAya cAvuNDarAya yA cAmuNDarAya (940-989 I.) talakADa ke pazcimI gaMgA rAjavaMza ke senApati the jo karnATaka pradeza meM AtA hai| unhoMne rAjA mArAsiMha dvitIya (963-975) aura rAjamallA (975-986) ke zAsana kAla meM senAdhyakSa ke rUpa meM kArya kiyaa| vaha eka bahumukhI pratibhA sampanna vyakti aura eka sAhasI senApati the jo Aja bhagavAna bAhubalI kI vizAla aura divya pratimA ke nirmANa ke lie kie gae prayAsoM ke lie adhika jAne jAte haiN| unake sAhasika kAryoM ke kAraNa unheM aneka upAdhiyoM se sammAnita kiyA gayA jaise samara parasurAma, vIra mArtaNDa, raNaraMgasiMha, samara dhurandhara, vairIkula kAladaMDa, bhujA vikrama aura bhaTamAra ityaadi| vaha dhArmika kriyAkalApo ke prati apane utsAha aura sAhityika pratibhA ke lie bhI jAne jAte haiN| kannaDa meM unakI racanAeM cAvaNDarAya-purANa yA triSaSThISalAkA purANa aura saMskRta meM caritrasAra suvikhyAta hai| unhoMne apane samaya ke prasiddha vidvAnoM ko bhI saMrakSaNa pradAna kiyA jaise kavi rnnaa| isa prakAra karnATaka ke madhyakAlIna itihAsa meM unhoMne apanA viziSTa sthAna banAyA hai| candragiri sthita cAvuNDarAya basadI meM unakA gauravapUrNa nAma aMkita hai| 28 caMdragirI meM unake kannar3a meM hastAkSara His signature in Kannada at Chandragiri Credits: Dineshkannambadi at Wikipedia. CC BY-SA 3.0 367278 [21]
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________________ eka sapanA jo saca huA : bhagavAn bAhubalI kI vizAla pratimA kA nirmANa The Dream that Came True: Making of the Grand Statue of Bhagwan Bahubali Chavundaraya, his mother, Kalala Devi, his guru, Acharya Sri Nemichand Siddhanta Chakravarti and the chief sculptor, Chagad are the central figures connected with this story. Acharya Sri Nemichandra Siddhant Chakravarti was the one who guided Chavundaraya in shaping the grand statue of Bahubali. It is said that Chavundaraya wanted both the statue and Jinvani come up in grand style. As per his wish, he has gifted an immortal book called Gommatasara which is an abridged version of Shri Dhawala. It is named after Chamvundaraya's childhood name, Gommata. He has also written Dravyasangrah, Triloksar and Labhdhisar which are all summaries of Jain philosophy. He is hailed as Siddhant Chakravarti or the emperor of Jain thoughts and philosophy. His works serve as learning resources today. Kalaladevi, the mother of Chamvundaraya, desired to have a darshan of the statue of Lord Bahubali said to be installed by Chakravarti Bharat in Podanapura. She and her son sought the advice of Acharya Sri Nemichand Siddhanta Chakravarti ji. When all the three were travelling towards Podanapura, they halted at Shravanbelgola. In their identical dreams, they were instead asked to install a statue of Bahubali at the Vindhyagiri hills. As instructed in the dream, Chavundaraya shot an arrow towards Vindhyagri hills. The site nearby the arrow target was carefully removed to discover the hidden outline of the statue. isa kahAnI ke kendrIya pAtra haiM - senApati cAmaNDarAya, unakI mAtA kalAlA devI, guru AcArya zrI nemicandra siddhAnta cakravartI aura pradhAna zilpI cAgada / _AcArya zrI nemicandra siddhAnta cakravartI vaha vyakti the jinhoMne bAhubalI kI vizAla pratimA ke nirmANa kArya meM cAmuNDarAya kA mArgadarzana kiyaa| aisA kahA jAtA hai ki cAmuNDarAya cAhate the ki pratimA aura jinavANi donoM ko atyanta zreSTha DhaMga se prastuta kiyA jaae| unakI icchA ke anurUpa nemicandra ne gommaTasAra ke rUpa meM eka amara racanA prastuta kI jo zrI dhavala kA saMkSipta saMskaraNa hai| isakA nAmakaraNa cAmuNDarAya ke bacapana ke nAma 'gommaTa' ke AdhAra para kiyA gayA hai| nemicandra jI ne dravyasaMgraha, trilokasAra aura labdhisAra Adi graMthoM kI bhI racanA kI hai jo sampUrNa jainadarzana kA sArAMza haiN| unheM siddhAnta cakravartI athavA jaina cintana aura darzana ke samrATa ke rUpa meM sammAnita kiyA gayA hai| unakI racanAeM Aja zikSA ke srotoM aura saMsAdhanoM kI mahatvapUrNa bhUmikA nibhA rahI haiN| kalAlA devI. cAmuNDarAya kI mAtA ne icchA prakaTa kI ki vaha podanapura meM cakravartI bharata dvArA sthApita bhagavAn bAhubalI kI pratimA ke darzana karanA cAhatI haiN| isake lie una donoM ne AcArya zrI nemicandra jI se parAmarza kiyaa| jaba tInoM podanapura kI ora yAtrA kara rahe the to ve mArga meM zravaNabelagolA meM ruke| usa rAta tInoM ko eka jaise svapna Ae jinameM unase vindhyagiri meM hI bAhabalI kI pratimA kI sthApanA karane ke lie kahA gayA thaa| svapna ke AdezAnusAra cAmuNDarAya ne vindhyagiri kI ora eka tIra claayaa| tIra pahAr3I meM jahAM jAkara lagA usa sthAna ko sApha karane para pratimA kI chapI haI rUparekhA sAmane A gii| [22]
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________________ STORY OF SCULPTOR: CHAGAD The colossal statue of Bahubali at Shravanbelgola was carved and chiseled out thereafter under the supervison of now famous Chavundaraya. This statue was given shape between 970 A. D. to 981 AD. It took 12 long penanceful years to complete this world marvel. It's believed that this valuable heritage was sculpted by head sculptor by name Chagad. He was also known as Aristanemi. When Chavundaraya hired Chagad to sculpt this statue, he demanded, as his wages, gold-dust equal to the weight of stone pieces that would be removed during sculpting the statue. Chavundaraya gladly accepted this deal as he understood the value of this masterpiece. As per promise, the first wage at the end of work on the first day was paid. Chagad was ecstatic. He took home the bagful of gold dust. As soon as he put his hand inside the bag, his hand got stuck with the gold dust causing him severe pain. The dust would not leave his palm. Chagad was in extreme pain and got very worried. His kind mother soon realised his folly. She chided him "My dear son!, great works of spiritual art are not sold for gold. They should be worshiped and served free of cost. Look at the devotion of Chavundaraya, and his reverence for Bahubali. He is happy to give so much so easily to you. If you have any repentance, go and return the wage to him. Forgo your claims and surrender your services at the feet of Bahubali". zilpakAra cAgata kI kahAnI zravaNabelagolA meM sthita bhagavAna bAhabalI kI vizAla pratimA kA nirmANa senApati cAmuNDarAya dvArA karavAyA gayA thA jo vizvavikhyAta vidvAna aura prakhyAta kavi bhI the| isa mUrti ke nirmANa meM san 970 se 981 taka lagabhaga 12 varSa lge| purAtattva kI isa bahumUlya dharohara ke nirmANa kA zreya pradhAna zilpI cAgada ko jAtA hai| jaba cAmuNDarAya ne zilpakAra cAgada se pratimA ke nirmANa ke saMbandha meM vArtA kI to cAgada ne pArizramika ke rUpa meM utanI hI svarNa-dhUli kI yAcanA kI jitanA prastara khaNDa vaha vindhyagiri se chiilegaa| cAmuNDarAya ne saharSa bhAva se isa prastAva ko svIkAra kiyA, kyoMki vaha kalA ke marma ko samajhate the| saMdhyAkAla meM tarAjU ke eka palar3e meM vikRta zilAkhaMDa the aura dUsare palar3e meM damakatI svrnn-dhuuli| cAgada itanA svarNa pAkara harSa se phalA na smaayaa| ghara pahuMcakara jaise hI vaha usa svarNa ko sahejakara rakhane lagA vaha asamaMjasa meM par3a gayA, kyoMki usake hAtha svarNa se alaga nahIM ho pA rahe the, eka-dUsare se cipaka gae the| vaha mana hI mana vyAkula ho utthaa| zilpI kI mA~ patra kI dardazA dekhakara bar3I vyathita huii| usane cAgada ko samajhAyA- "he vatsa! kyA kalA svarNa ke taccha Tukar3oM para bikA karatI hai ? kalA to ArAdhanA aura arcanA kI vastu hai| usa cAmuNDarAya ko dekha jo prabhu-bhakti ke vIbhUta hokara tujhe itanA saba kucha saharSa bhAva se de rahA hai| isa svarNa-rAzi ke moha ko chor3a aura ise vApasa karake aa| apanA zilpa-vaibhava niSkAma bhAva se prabhu ke caraNoM meM samarpita kara de|" [23]
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________________ TYAGAD BRAHMADEVA PILLAR Chagad took a vow not to charge for his service and as soon as he took his oath, gold-dust and his hands were suddenly and miraculously separated. He returned the gold-dust to Chavundaraya. It was due to this selfless and divine feeling of service that he was named Tyagad (Tyagad' means sacrifice in Sanskrit). It was this divine spirit of sacrifice and devotion of 12 long years which resulted in the creation of wonder statue of Lord Bahubali. Chavundaraya erected this pillar in the mandapa in front of the statue, in honour of the selfless Chagad. It is of 7.5' in height. At one of the faces of the base, there are images of Chamundaraya and his guru Nemichandra flanked by attendants fan bearers. It has beautiful engravings and has a scroll on Chavundaraya with the following meaning: "A sun in the shape of a jewel adorning the crest of the eastern mountains, the brahmakshara race; a moon in the shape of the splendour of his fame causing to swell the ocean, the brahmakshara race; the central gem to the pearl necklace of Lakshmi, procured from the Rohana mountain, the tyAgada brahmadeva stambha cAgada ne pratijJA kI ki isa mUrti kA nirmANa meM sevAbhAva se karU~gA aura koI pArizramika nahIM luuNgaa| usake isa saMkalpa ke sAtha hI usake hAthoM se cipakA sonA chaTa gyaa| usane sArI svarNa-rAzi cAmuNDarAya ko vApasa kara dii| vizuddha bhakti-bhAvanA se prerita hokara cAgada ne pratimA kA nirmANa kiyaa| hiMdI meM usake nAma kA artha hI tyAga hai| usakI 12 varSa kI satata tapasyA aura sAdhanA ne eka aisI alaukika pratimA kA nirmANa kiyA jo yugoM-yugoM taka pUjya rhegii| jo samaya kI zilA para adbhuta kalAkRtiyoM ke rUpa meM apanI vilakSaNa pratibhA ke amiTa cinha chor3a jAte haiM, una mahAna kalAkAroM kI samarpita sAdhanA kA kahanA hI kyA? bhagavAna bAhubalI kI divya pratimA mauna rahakara bhI zatAbdiyoM se una zilpiyoM kI vismaya-vimugdhakArI kalA kA udghoSa kara rahI hai| cAmuNDarAya ne niHsvArtha zilpI cAgada ke sammAna meM bAhabalI kI pratimA ke ThIka sAmane maMDapa meM eka stambha kA nirmANa karavAyA jisakI U~cAI 7 phuTa 5 iMca hai| stambha ke nimna bhAga ke mukhapaTala para cAmuNDarAya aura unake guru nemicandra jI kI AkRtiyA~ aMkita haiM jo caMvaradhArI sevakoM se ghirI haiN| stambha para sundara nakkAzI ke sAtha cAmuNDarAya ke viSaya meM eka lekha hai jisakA artha isa prakAra hai - "eka sUrya jo prakAza-maNi banakara udayAcala parvata ke zikharoM ko dedipyamAna kara rahA hai, brahmAkSara vaMza; eka zarata candra jo unake kIrti-vaibhava ke pratIka rupa meM sAgara kI laharoM ko Andolita karatA hai, brahmAkSara vaMza, rohana parvata se prApta uttama nIlama maNi jo [24]
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________________ brahmakshara race." In the past, the place near the pillar was used to give away charities signifying the divine role of the people connected with this pillar. lakSmI ke gale ke bahumUlya muktAhAra kA kendrIya ratna hai, brahmAkSara vaMza" vigata samaya meM stambha ke nikaTa kA sthAna dAna-kAryoM ke lie prayoga meM lAyA jAtA thA jo isa stambha se jur3e vyaktiyoM kI divya bhUmikA ko pratipAdita karatA hai| VINDHYAGIRI The pride of the place hosting the grand statue of Bahubali is also known as Indragiri, or Peria Kalbappu or Dodda Betta. It has about 650 steps. There are 7 types of monuments - eight small and large temples, four mandapas, two ponds, five gateways, three pillars, two arches and 172 inscriptions in Kannada, Sanskrit, Marvadi Mahajani, Tamil, Manipravala and Marathi dating from the late 10th to 19th century A.D. CHANDRAGIRI vindhyagiri bAhubalI kI bhavya pratimA ko dhAraNa karane vAlI gauravazAlI vindhyagiri ko kucha anya nAmoM se bhI jAnA jAtA hai jaise indragiri, periya kalabappU yA DoDA bettttaa| isameM lagabhaga 650 sopAna haiN| yahAM sAta prakAra ke smAraka haiM-ATha choTe-bar3e maMdira, do tAlAba, pAMca dvAra mAge, tIna stambha, do meharAba aura 172 zilAlekha jo kannaDa, saMskRta, mAravAr3I mahAjanI, tamila, maNipravAla aura marAThI bhASAoM meM hai| inakA racanAkAla 10vIM se 19vIM zatAbdI hai| candragiri cikkA beTTA (choTI pahAr3I) nAma se prasiddha yaha pahAr3I vindhyagiri kI tulanA meM adhika itihAsa ko sameTe hue hai| yahA~ bahuta se muniyoM ke caraNacinha haiM jinhoMne sallekhanA dvArA apane jIvana kA aMta kiyaa| pUjya bhadrabAhu kI guphA aura vizAkhAcArya (jo pahale samrATa candragupta maurya hI the) ke caraNa cihanoM ke yahAM hone se ise divya bhI kahA jA sakatA hai| yaha pahADI 200 phuTa U~cI hai jisameM 92 sopAna haiN| yahAM 14 maMdira haiM. jinheM basadI kahA jAtA hai, jinakA nirmANakAla 9vIM zatAbdI se hai| yaha vindhyagiri se U~cAI meM 294 phuTa choTI hai| yaha samudratala se 175 phuTa Upara hai| isa para lagabhaga 800 zilAlekha haiN| Known as Chikka Betta (small hill) has more ancient history than Vindhyagiri. Here lay footprints of several Munis who ended their life through sallekhana. It is indeed divine with the cave of the revered Bhadrabahu and footprints of Visakhacharya who was the Samrat Chandragupta Maurya. The hill is of 200 feet high containing 92 steps. There are 14 temples called Basadi dating from 9th cent. A.D. It is smaller than Vindhyagiri by 294 feet in height. It is about 175 feet above the sea level. It has about 800 inscriptions. [25]
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________________ THE IMMORTAL STORY OF GULLIKAYI AJJI In March, 981 AD, Chavundaraya organised the first head-anointing ceremony (Mahamastakabhishek) of Bahubali Statue with much fanfare by Chavundaraya. He was overwhelmed with the false ego that he could supervise the installation of the grand statue for the first time in the fifth spoke of this time cycle. He felt that none could match him in the coming years. As the Mahamastakabhishek began, gallons and gallons of milk were poured by Chavundaraya the naval of the statue, causing commotion and anxiety. He was stunned. He then opened the abhishek to all elite class gathered over there. Everyone tried but still the pouring would not reach the feet of the statue. With the permission of his guru, he then opened the ceremony inviting anyone and everyone to perform the abhishek. There appeared an old woman (Ajji in Kannada) in dilapidated sari holding a few drops of milk in the dried cup of the common weed called gullikayi. She requested permission but the guards and the gathering could not hold their laugh and ridicule. Chavundaraya allowed her to perform the abhishek. Lo and Behold! No sooner the milk from the Gullikayi was poured on the statue, not only the statue but whole of Vindhiyagiri hills and the surrounding lakes were covered with flowing stream of milk. He soon realised that she was none other than Goddess Khushmandini, the Yakshi of Lord Neminatha, who had come to bless the event and tame his ego. He ordered the making a replica of six feet high statue in her honour. gullikAyi vRddhA kI amara kahAnI jaba pratimA kA nirmANa ho gayA to usakI pratiSThA ke lie san 981 I. meM prathama mahAmastakAbhiSeka kA Ayojana kiyA gyaa| hajAroM mana dUdha se pratimA kA abhiSeka kiyA gayA para Azcarya ki itanA dUdha bahAne para bhI vaha pratimA kI nAbhi se nIce nahIM pahuMca pA rahA thaa| sabhI cintita the| tabhI pratiSThAcArya ne apane nimitta-jJAna se jAnA ki koI upekSita vRddhA zrIphala kI choTI-sI gullikA (kaTorI) meM dUdha lie prabhu ke abhiSeka ke lie bhaktipUrvaka lagAtAra A rahI hai para use sthAna nahIM mila pA rahA hai aura isalie yaha dugdhAbhiSeka pUrNa nahIM ho pA rahA hai| aisI sthiti meM cAmuNDarAya ne apane guru se mArgadarzana kI prArthanA kI tathA unakA Adeza pAkara ve naMge pA~va ajji (vRddhA) ke pAsa pahuMce aura AdarapUrvaka use prabhu-pratimA ke pAsa lAkara usase abhiSeka ke lie anurodha kiyaa| jaise hI ajji ne gullikA bhara dUdha se prabhu kA bhaktibhAva se abhiSeka kiyA, vaise hI vahA~ dUdha kI nadiyA~ baha nikalIM aura vindhyagiri aura candragiri ke madhya sthita sarovara dUdha se labAlaba bhara gyaa| tabhI se usa vRddhA kA nAma gallikAjji par3a gyaa| kahate haiM ki gallikA ke rUpa meM svayaM kUSmANDinI devI (bhagavAn neminAtha kI yakSI) hI abhiSeka karane AI thiiN| isa ghaTanA se senApati cAmuNDarAya ke aMtaraMga meM utpanna mUrti nirmANa kA darpa bhI dUra ho gyaa| unhoMne cAgada aura gullikAjji donoM kI bhaktibhAvanA ko cira sthAyitva dene ke lie pratimA ke pAsa hI chaha phuTa U~cA cAgada-stambha banavAyA aura gullikAjji kI pratimA kA bhI nirmANa krvaayaa| [26]
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________________ bhagatAna RSabhadeta aura jaina maniyoM ke rUpa meM unake mopoM kA ARare Image of Lord Rishabh and His 100 Sons as Jain Munis. This image can be seen at the Vindhyagiri hill on the way to the Bahubali statue eka durlabha citr| yaha citra vidhyagiri pahAr3I para bAhabalI pratimA ke mArga para dekhA jA sakatA hai| [27]
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________________ OTHER STATUES OF BAHUBALI Only Parameshtis footprints other than Tirthankaras were installed in the past. Not to mention about his extraordinary penance, Bahubali was the tallest person in this HundavasarpiNi to reach salvation and this feat is very rare as stated in a commentary of Nandi Suttam, installation of his images spread during 4" century CE onwards. There are two images dated to late 6th century CE and so older than the one at Shravanbelgola, at the caves of Aihole and Badami in Bagalakote district. A bronze image belonging to 7th century CE is preserved in the Prince of Wales Museum, Mumbai. Another metal image belonging to 4th century CE is preserved in the Metropolitan Museum, New York. Following the mammoth statue of Bahubali, the inclusion of Bahubali along with prominent Tirthankaras became common as evident from the hill images in Tamil Nadu. Soon some images of Bahubali spread to north India also. Interestingly, the digambara image of Apollo or Kouros of Archaic Greek Art of about 600 BC resembles the Jaina images. A seal of Mohanjodaro is said to depict the story of Bahubali. The Bamiyan statues that were destroyed recently reminded the halo history of Bahubali in that part of the world. In fact, the Swetambara version attributes Taxila as the kingdom of Bahubali but his kingdom was also claimed to be. Asmaka or today's vidarbh in deccan India bAhubalI kI anya mUrtiyA~ atIta kAla meM tIrthaMkaroM ke atirikta kevala parameSThiyoM ke caraNacinha sthApita kie jAte the| kyoMki bAhubalI isa huNDAvasarpiNI kAla meM mokSa prApta karane vAle sarvaprathama vyakti the, jise nandI sUtra kI eka TIkA meM eka durlabha upalabdhi batAyA gayA hai, ataeva cauthI zatAbdI IsApUrva se unakI mUrtiyoM kI sthApanA kI paramparA cala pdd'ii| IsApUrva chaThI zatAbdI ke uttarArdha kI do aisI mUrtiyAM haiM jo zravaNabelagolA sthita mUrti se bahuta purAnI haiN| ye bAgalakoTa jile meM aiihola aura bAdAmI guphAoM meM sthita haiN| sAtavIM zatAbdI I.pUrva kI eka kAMsya mUrti mumbaI ke prinsa Apha velsa myUjiyama meM surakSita hai| eka anya dhAta- pratimA jo cauthI zatAbdI I.pU. kI hai, nyUyArka ke meTropAliTana myUjiyama meM surakSita hai| bAhubalI kI vizAla pratimA kI sthApanA ke bAda, pramukha tIrthakaroM kI mUrtiyoM ke sAtha bAhubalI kI mUrti ko bhI sammilita kiyA jAne lagA jaisA ki tamilanADu kI pahAr3iyoM kI mUrtiyoM se spaSTa hotA hai| zIghra hI bAhubalI kI kucha mUrtiyAM uttara bhArata meM bhI sthApita kI jAne lgiiN| yaha eka rocaka tathya hai ki ArkAika yUnAnI kalA kI 600 varSa I.parva kI MRI Rai IT mAnyatA hai ki mohanajodar3o se prApta eka mohara meM bAhubalI kI kahAnI ko yrigs BUT TT_T | 41 |thii BIZ siin, # 37" ruu 111 7g naSTa kara diyA gayA, saMsAra ke usa bhUbhAga meM bAhubalI kI mahAn gAthA kA smaraNa karAtI thiiN| bAhubalI-kathA ke zvetAmbara rUpAntaraNa ke anusAra takSazilA bAhubalI ke rAjya kA aMga thI para kucha anya rUpoM meM dakSiNa bhArata meM asmakA (Adhunika vidarbha pradeza) ko unakA sAmrAjya mAnA gayA hai| [28]
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________________ Place The monolithic statues measuring 20 feet or more in height in Karnataka are as follows: Installation year Height in feet Gommatagiri in Mysore District 12th century CE Karkala in Udupi District 1432 A.D. 42 Venur in Dakshina Kannada 1604 A.D. 35 Dharmasthala in Karnataka 1973 A.D. karnATaka pradeza meM eka hI prastara (pASANa) se nirmita 20 phuTa yA usase adhika U~cAI kI bAhubalI pratimAeM nimna prakAra haiM : 1 maisUra jile meM gommaTagiri para 12vIM zatAbdI I.pUrva sthApita, U~cAI 20 phutt| 2 uDIpI jile meM karkalA sthita, 1432 IsvI, 42 phutt| 3 dakSiNa kannaDa jile meM venUra, 1604 IsvI, 35 phutt| 4 dakSiNa kannaDa jile meM dharmasthala, 1973 IsvI, 39 phutt| Karkala Dharmasthala Venur Gommatagiri Museum of Prince Williams, UK [29]
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________________ bAhubalI aura unakI pratimA kI pratiSThA se jur3I huI kucha prasiddha mahilAeM THE FAMOUS LADIES CONNECTED WITH BAHUBALI AND HIS STATUE 1. Brahmi: She was the sister of Emperor Bharat and half-sister of Bahubali. She devoted her entire life developing scripts which later on became known as Brahmi scripts. Another version of this script is known as Tamil Brahmi script. We see them in archaleogical inscriptions even in Mohenjo-daro. She decided not to get married and became the head of nuns in Adinath assembly. 2. Kalala Devi, mother of Chavundaraya: Her perseverance led to the creation of this statue. She renounced milk for 12 years upto the successful completion of the first Mahamastakabhishek. She inspired the mother of the sculptor Chagad too. (1) brAhmI : vaha samrATa bharata kI bahana aura bAhubalI kI sautelI bahana thiiN| unhoMne apanA sampUrNa jIvana lipiyoM ke vikAsa meM lagA diyA jo bAda meM brAhmI lipi ke nAma se vikhyAta huii| isI lipi kA eka anya rUpAntara tamila brAhmI lipi ke nAma se jAnA gyaa| purAtatva ke zilAlekhoM meM hama inhIM lipiyoM kA prayoga dekhate haiM, yahAM taka ki mohanajodar3o meM bhii| brAhmI ne vivAha na karane kA nizcaya kiyA aura AdinAtha jI ke saMgha meM vaha sAdhviyoM kI pramukha bana giiN| (2) kalAlAdevI : cAmuNDarAya kI mAtA thiiN| unake nirantara udyoga ke pariNAma svarUpa bAhubalI kI pratimA kA nirmANa huaa| unhoMne 12 varSoM taka, pratimA ke prathama mahAmastakAbhiSeka ke saphalatApUrvaka pUrA hone taka, dUdha kA tyAga kiyaa| unhoMne zilpakAra cAgada kI mAtA ko bhI prabhAvita aura prerita kiyaa| (3) dAna cintAmaNi atimAbbe (950-1020 I.): eka yuvA kintu dhanI vidhavA thIM jinheM karnATaka kI mAtA ke rUpa meM sammAnita kiyA gayA hai| vaha zrI dhavalA ke pracAra-prasAra ke kArya ke lie prasiddha haiM, jo ki pavitra jaina zAstra "SaTkhaNDAgam' kI vistRta TIkA hai| isake virAT AkAra kA isI se anumAna lagAyA jA sakatA hai ki isameM 72000 zloka haiN| atimAbbe ne isa graMtha kI eka prati ke badale meM upahAra-svarUpa eka svarNa-smArikA bheMTa kI thI jisa para zAnti nAtha jI kI AkRti aMkita thii| DaoN. hampA nAgarAjaiyA ke anusAra inhoMne vibhinna sthAnoM para anekAneka jaina pratimAoM kI sthApanA karavAI thii| 3. Danachintamani Atimabbey (950-1020 A.D.) was a young but rich widow hailed as the mother of Karnataka. She was famous for her service to the propagation of Sri Dhavala which is a large commentary on the sacred Jain scripture called Shatkhandagam. Its dimension is equivalent to 72000 stanzas. She donated one gold icon engraved with the image of Shri Shantinath as a token gift for each copy of this manuscript. She seemed to have installed a large number of Jaina images according to Dr Hampa Nagarajaiah. (301
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________________ VARIOUS VERSIONS OF BAHUBALI STORY According to Acharya Jinasena in Mahapurana, Bahubali took a vow of one year fasting. Before departing to renunciation, he took leave of Bharat and apologized for his revolt and subsequent conflict. Bharat reaches him after completion of one year penance of Bahubali. The Paumacharyam of Vimalsuri of Swetambar sect endorses this version. It is Acharya Kundkund, in his Bhava Pahud attributing the ego of Bahubali delaying his omniscience. This theory has been elaborated by the Kannada Kavi Boppanna (1180 AD). The Swetambara Hemchandra's version differs in some ways. The account of Bharat being accompanied by his two sisters finds a mention in this version. Interestingly, the sisters use a metaphor to allude to the ego of Bahubali. They seemed to have suggested getting off the elephant for achieving salvation. Some images in the Tamil Nadu hills do contain the presence of both the sisters along with Bahubali. bha. bAhubalI kI kahAnI ke vibhinna rUpa mahApurANa meM AcArya jinasena ke anusAra bAhubalI ne eka varSa taka upavAsa rakhane kI pratijJA lI thii| saMsAra tyAgane se pahale unhoMne rAjA bharata se vidA lI aura apane vidroha aura taduparAnta saMgharSa ke lie kSamAyAcanA kii| bAhubalI kI tapasyA kA eka varSa pUrA hone para bharata vahAM pahuMcate haiN| zvetAmbara sampradAya ke zrI vimala sUrI dvArA racita paumacarayama' isI rUpa kA anumodana karatA hai| yaha AcArya kundakunda haiM jo apane 'bhAva pAhuDa' meM bAhubalI ke ahaMkAra ko unake mokSamArga meM bAdhaka dikhAte haiN| kannar3a kavi boppannA (1180 I0) ne isa vicAra kI vyAkhyA kI hai| zvetAmbara AcAryazrI hemacandra kA varNana isase kucha bhinna hai| bharata kA apanI do bahanoM ke sAtha vahAM jAne kA ullekha isa varNana meM hai| bahaneM bAhubalI ke ahaMkAra ke prati saMketa karane ke lie apane kathana meM eka rUpaka kA prayoga karatI haiN| unhoMne bAhubalI ko mokSa pAne ke lie ahaMkAra ke hAthI se nIce utara Ane kA sujhAva diyaa| tamilanADu kI pahAr3iyoM meM aMkita kucha jhAMkiyoM meM tapasyA-rata bAhubalI ke sAtha donoM bahanoM ko bhI upasthita darzAyA gayA hai| gommaTa aura bAhubalI ke anya nAma bhagavAn bAhubalI gommaTa nAma se bhI jAne jAte haiN| koMkaNI bhASA meM isakA artha 'atyanta sundara' hotA hai| yaha prAkRta bhASA meM kAmadeva ke lie prayukta zabda se utpanna huA hai| bAhubalI prathama kAmadeva the ataeva yaha vizeSaNa unake lie pUrNataH saMgata pratIta hotA hai| ve kucha anya nAmoM se bhI abhihita kie jAte haiM jaisegommaTezvara, bhujabalI, dorabalI aura kukuTezvara gommtt| bAda meM Ane vAle samaya meM svAmI murugA ko bAhubalI ke anurUpa susajjita kiyA gyaa| yaha eka rocaka sAmya hai ki svAmI murugA bhI bhagavAna zivajI ke choTe putra haiM aura zivajI tathA AdinAtha jI abhinna kahe jAte haiN| GOMMATA AND OTHER NAMES OF BAHUBALI Bhagwan Bhaubali is known as Gommata, as it means handsome in Konkani language and it derived from the Prakrit word for Kamadev. Bahubali was the first Kamadeva and therefore this epithet fits him well. He is known by other names such as Gommetashwara, Bhujabali, Dorbali and Kukkuteshwara. Gommata. In the latter period, the Lord Muruga was fashioned after Bahubali. Interestingly, Swami Muruga is also the younger son of Lord Shiva who is said to be derived from Lord Adinath. [31]
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________________ LESSONS FROM BHARAT-BAHUBALI STORY bharata aura bAhubalI kI kahAnI se zikSAe~ 1) Bahubali was the first person to revolt against oppression of freedom even against his own elder brother. 2) After winning the battle, he renounced the fruits of victory much before the advent of Karmayoga. 3) Bahubali became the living example of performing perfect penance as prescribed in Jain scriptures. 4) The defeat at the hands of Bahubali awakened Bharat against greed and worldly attachment. It is not king Janak but his predecessor Bharat who sowed the practice of Rajrishi. 5) The story of Bharat-Bahubali possibly influenced Lord Krishna to device the peaceful exit of Lord Arishtanemi who took to renunciation without any revolt. 6) The devotion of Chamundraya to his most religious mother Kalala Devi, to his religion and to his Gurus has been brought out elegantly. 7) The reform of this sculptor is also a story illustratating the glory of selfless service to religion. 8) The episode of Gullikaya Ajji tamed the ego of Chavundaraya. It helped in opening the Abhishek ceremony to all public and the statue being dedicated to the entire humanity. 1. bAhubalI prathama vyakti the jinhoMne svAdhInatA ke damana ke viruddha vidroha kiyA cAhe vaha apane hI bhAI ke viruddha kyoM na ho| 2 dvandva yuddha meM jItane ke bAda unhoMne apanI vijaya ke phala ko svecchA se tyAga diyA, niSkAma karma yoga kA siddhAnta bahuta bAda meM aayaa| 3. bAhabalI ne jaina zAstroM meM pratipAdita tapasyA aura prAyazcita kA jIvanta udAharaNa prastuta kiyaa| 4. bAhubalI ke hAthoM parAjita hone ke pariNAma svarUpa rAjA bharata ke hRdaya meM lobha aura sAMsArika padArthoM ke prati anAsakti kA bhAva jAgrata huaa| rAjaRSi kI paramparA kA bIjAropaNa mahArAjA janaka se nahIM balki unake pUrvavartI rAjA bharata se huaa| 5. bharata aura bAhabalI kI kahAnI ne sambhavataH bhagavAna kRSNa ko bhI prabhAvita kiyA jisake phalasvarUpa bhagavAn ariSTanemi ne binA kisI vidroha ke tyAga aura tapasyA kA mArga apnaayaa| 6. cAmuNDarAya kA apane dharma, apane gurU aura apanI dharmaparAyaNa mA~ ke prati samarpaNa kA bhAva sucAru rUpa se sAmane AyA hai| 7. zilpI cAgada ne 12 varSoM ke kaThora parizrama se isa bhavya pratimA kA nirmANa kiyaa| usakA niHsvArtha bhAva se kalA-sAdhanA karanA bhI tyAga kA eka anupama udAharaNa prastuta karatA hai| 8. gallikAyI ajji ke vRtAnta ne bhI cAmaNDarAya aura usake uttarAdhikAriyoM kI A~kheM kholI jisake pariNAmasvarUpa unhoMne isa anupama kalAkRti ko akhila mAnavatA ke prati samarpita kiyaa| [32]
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________________ RESOURCES ( H Prakrit/Sanskrit/Hindi 1. Acharya Hemachandra (1089-1173 A. D.) Trisastisalakapurushacaritra, Johnson's transl. bk. 1, ch. V. pp 308-326. 2. Acharya Jinasena (8th century CE), Adi PuraNa: Bhartiya Jnanapitha, 1951, Parvas 36: 200-220 Acharya Kunthusagar (2016). Sravanbelgol ka itihas aur Arsha Parampara. Sri Kunthu Vidya Shodh Sansthan, Kolhapur, 123p. Acharya Nemichandra Siddhant Chakravarti, Gommatsar, Karma Khand Acharya Puspandanta, Mahapurana, Sandhi XVIII, Vol 1, pp. 295-305. Manakchand Digambara Jaina Granthamala, Bombay, 1937. Jain, Surendranath, Shripal Ji (1953). Chitramay Sravanbelgola tatha dakshin ke anya jain Tirth. Revised Edition, 2006. (SDJMI) Management Committee, Sravanabelgola,73p. Gommatesvara Bahubali - Chitrakatha, 2 Edition, 1994 Bahubali Prakashan, Lalkothi, Jaipur, 33 p. Gommatesvara Bhagwan Shri Bahubali Swami Mahamastakabhishek Mahotsava 2006 Panchkalyanak Samiti, Shravana Belgola. Mangal Kalyanak Kalashotsava, 2006. Gommatesvara Sahasatabdi Mahotsava Darshan, 1981. Sravanabelgola Digambar Jain Mujrai Institutions (SDJMI) Management Committee, Sravanabelgola, 381 p. Punyakushalgani, Bharat Bahubali Mahakavyam translated by Muni Dulharaj, Jain Vishwabharti, Ladnun, 1974: 540 p. 11. Shettar, S. (1981). Sravan Belgol, Dept. of Tourism, Government of Karnataka, 72p. 12. Shubhsheelgani, Bharadeshwar Bahubali Vrutti. Devachandra Lalbhai Pushtak no. 77, 1932, 1: 376 p, Il: 398 p. 13. Svayambhudeva, Paumacariya, vol 1, sandhi 4. Singhi Jain Sastra Shikshapith, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Bombay, 1953. English 14. Boppana Pandita, Inscriptions at Sravana Belgola (Revised Edition, Bangalore, 1923), Epigraphia Carnatica II, pp. 97-100. 15. Dandavati, P. (2006). Gommat Mahamastakabhishek 2006, The Commissioner, Dept. of Communication, Government of Karnataka, 80p. 16. Jain Journal Special Edition on Bahubali, Vol 15 No. 4, 1981. 17. Jain, Surendranath, Shripal Ji and Jain Sarojini Surendranath, 2005. Bahubali of Jainbadri (Shravanbelgola) and Other Jain Shrines of Deccan. 2 Revised Edition, 2005, S. DJ. M.I Management Committee, Sravanabelgola, 63 p. 18. Nagarajaiah, H. (2001). Opulent Chandragiri, S. DJ. M.I Management Committee, Sravanabelgola, 2deg Edition, 2006. 68 p. 19. Sangave, Vilas Adinath (1981), The Sacred Shravanbelgola (A Socio Religious Study) (1st ed.), Bharatiya Jnanpith Tamil 20. TOIAmozhi Devar (9" century CE), Soolamani, An old Kavya Stanza: 551 560. 21. Mallinath Jain Shastri (1980).Sramana Beligulam. 86p. Kannada 22. Pancabana, Bujabalicarita. 23. Anantakavi, Gommatesvaracarita. 24. Devacandra, Rajavalikathe [33]
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________________ HYMNS ON BHAGWAN BAHUBALI (by Acharyasri Jinsen in Adipuran) zrI bAhubalI stotrama (AAcAryazrI jinasena viracit AdipurANa se) He won three battles against the mighty Bharat sakalanRpasamAje, dRSTimallAmbuyudhai 1. Apane saMpUrNa nRpa samUha ke samakSa zaktizAlI bharata ke viruddha tIna witnessed by a vast assembly of kings. He then vijitabharatakIrti, ya: pravabrAja muktyai| lar3AIyA~ jiitiiN| phira Apane sUkhe ghAsa ke samAna apanI sAMsArika aura renounced all including the fruits of victory as a dry zAhI saMpatti ke sAtha sAtha jIta ke phaloM ko bhI tyAga diyaa| Apa una grass. He was the forerunner among all those in tRNamiva vigaNayya, prAjyasAmrAjyabhAraM, the last body of liberation. Such was the greatness caramatanadharANAmagraNI: so'vatAdvaH / / 1 / / sabhI carama zarIriyoM meM agraNI the| Apa bhagavAn bAhubalI hama saba kI of Lord Bahubali. May he protect us all! rakSA kareM| The much acclaimed goddess of wheel (chakra) deserted Bharat and took shelter under him without any shy or shame. But he ignored her too but took to the path of his father Lord Adinath. Such was His loftiness. May Dorbali protect us all! bharatavijayalakSmIrjAjvalacakramA. 2. atyadhika prazaMsita divya cakraratna ne bharata ko chor3akara Apa kI yaminamabhisarantI kSatriyANAM samakSa / zaraNa lI | lekina Apane usa vijayalakSmI ko bhI lajjitakara apane cirataramavadhUtApatrApApAtramAsI pitA bhagavAna AdinAtha ke mArga apnaayaa| aisI hai ApakI mhimaa| Apa dadhigata gurumArga: so'vatAda dobalI vaH ||2||bhgvaan dorabalI hama saba kI rakSA kreN| He renounced the attachment with the goddess of royal wealth but wedded the goddess of victory by performing radiating penance to the dismay of many great kings. His fame is too vast to be accommodated within three worlds. He was none other than the Adi Brahma Lord Rishabh's star son, Bhagwan Bahubali. May the Supreme Father and Son protect us all! sa jayati jayalakSmI, saGgamAzAmavandhyA, 3- jinhoMne saba tarapha se anusaraNa karane vAlI lakSmI ko choDakara vidadhadadhikathAmA sannidhau paarthivaanaam| rAjAoM kI nikaTatA meM aura jayalakSmI ke saMgama kI AzA ko saphala karate hue sakalajagadagAra vyAptakIrtistapasyA adhika teja ko dhAraNa kiyA thaa| sampUrNa jagat rUpI ghara meM vyApta hai kIrti mabhajata yazase yaH sUnurAdhasya dhaatuH|| 3 / / jinakI aise yazasvI aura jinhoMne yaza ke lie tapasyA ko svIkAra kiyA thA ve Adi brahmA ke putra bAhubalI svAmI jayavaMta ho| [34]
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________________ With this expansive shoulders, he could mesmerize the mightly kings who were witness to his wrestling againt the emperor Bharat. He is remembered along with most powerful and divine Bharat even today. His name spells purity to all beings. May the sacret name of Bhujabali be victorious! jayati bhujabalIzo bAhuvIrya sa yasya, 4- jinakI bhujAoM kA bala kSatriyoM ke samakSa malla yuddha meM prasiddha prathitamabhavadagre kSatriyANAM niyuddhe| huA thA aura jinakA nAma sakala cakravartI bharata ke nAma ke sAtha logoM ke bharatanRpatinA'mA yasya nAmAkSarANi, smRti paTala para A jAtA thaa| tathA jo prANI samUha ko pavitra karate hai ve smRtipathamupayAnti prANivRndaM punanti / / 4 / / bAhubalI svAmI jayavaMta ho| The downpour of poison of the serpent became harmless on His feet. The overgrowing creepers were covering His face but the sporting women of Vidyadhar clan were clearing them regularly. He is worshipped by all. May Dorbali Lord protect us! jayati bhujagavaktrod vAntaniryadgarAgniH 5- sarpa ke mukha se ugale tathA nikalatI hue viSa rUpI agni jinake prazamamasakRdApat prApya pAdau ydiiyau| caraNoM ko prApta kara aneka bAra upazAMti ko prApta huI thI aura jo sampUrNa jagata sakalabhuvanamAnya:khecarastrIkarAgroda / meM pUjya hai| vidhAdharoM kI striyoM ke hAtha se haTAI gaI phailI huI latAoM se jo grathitavitatavIrudveSTito dorbalIzaH / / 5 / / vyApta hai| ve bAhubalI jayavaMta ho| OTHER QUOTES ON BAHUBALI The moment he discarded the wheel-gem from his cakraM vihAya nija dakSiNa bAhasaMsthaM jisa kSaNa bAhubalI ne apanI dAhine bhujA ke Upara sthita right hand. Bahubali should have attained yatprAvrajannana tathaiva sa tena maJceta / cakraratna ko tyAga diyA tapasyA ke mAdhyama se unheM sarvajJatA omniscience through penance. But his ego held him back for a prolonged period. True, even a tiny ego klezaM tamApa kila bAhubalI cirAya usI samaya prApta honI cAhie thii| lekina unhone cirakAla can harma lot! (Atmanushasanam 217) mAno manAgapi haMti mahaMti karoti || taka kleza ko apanAye rkkhaa| isase pratIta hotA hai ki eka (AtmAnuzAsanam 217) choTAsA ahaMkAra bhI bahuta bhArI nukasAna kara sakatA hai | Valiant Sage! Even after renouncing his body and dehAdicattasaMgo mAnakasAyena kasio dhIra | dhIra mnivr| dehAdi sabakacha tyAgane ke bAvajada bAhabalI jI such attachments, how long did Sage Bahubali attAvaNeNa jAdo bAhubalI kittiyaM kAlaM || apane mAna kaSAya se kaluSita hokara kitane kAla taka stand in penance having afflicted with ego? (Bhav hav (bhAva pAhuDa 44) (STA M E 441 AtApana-yoga meM sthita rahe the ? Pahud 44) [35]
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________________ HOW TO REACH SHRAVANBELGOLA? zravaNabelagolA kaise paMhuce? Balagame Dudda Mayasandra Vadi Gudemaranahalli Hassan Kunigal Distance from Shravanbelgola Hassan: 52 km Mysore: 85 km Bengaluru : 155 km Mangalore: 230 km Bencaluru Megade Shanti ana Hi Channa rypa B2 Shravanabelagola B errcross mutu Shant Nagar Kumbrigodu Nagamangalia Hulyordurga Didad zravaNabelagolA se dUrI HAT: 52 et AR: 85 Port 6 155 PALE H R: 230 PORTO nikaTatama havAI aDDA: beMgalurU nikaTatama relave sTezana: zravaNabelagolA Nearest Airport: Bengaluru Nearest Railhead: Shravanbelgola By car (Route map) from Bengaluru Bengaluru - Nelamancala - Kunigal - Yedivur - Bellur cross-take diversion from Hirisave on Bangalore - Mangalore National Highway. Road: State Transport (KSRTC) operates regular bus service Arrival at Shravanbelgola Trains from Yeshwantpur Jn (Bengaluru) to Shravanbelgola yazavaMtapura jaMkzana (beMgaluru) se zravaNabelagolA taka kI Trena Train No. & Name Departure Time Days of service 16575 Gomateshwara Express 07:10 hrs Sun, Tue, Thu 16515 Yesvantpur - Mangalore Express 07:10 hrs Mon,Wed,Fri 56215 Sharavanabelagola Mysore Passenger 12:45 hrs All days 09:29 hrs 09:29 hrs 15:13 hrs 22679 SVDK Premium Express 18:15 hrs All days 20:21 hrs [36]