Book Title: Unknown Life of Jesus Christ Old Edition 1894 Publication
Author(s): Nicholas Notovitch, Virchand R Gandhi, Kumarpal Desai
Publisher: World Jain Confederation

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Page 10
________________ PREFACE: ix This Lordship, Bishop Platon, the celebrated Metropolitan of Kiew, adınitted that this discovery was ol great importance; hc, however, endeavored to dissuadc mc from giving publicity to the memoirs, declaring that their publication would only injurc mc. Why? This the venerablc prelate refused to tell mc inore explicitly. Our conversation, however, having taken place in Russia, whicrc ccnsure might havc vctocd such a work, I dctermined to wait. A year later I happencd to be in Rome. There I submitted my manuscript to a cardinal who has great influence with the Pope, and who answered me as follows: "What is the use of having that published; no one will attach any great importance to it, and you will only crcate numerous cnemies. Nevertheless, you are still young. If it is a question of money which interests you, I can obtain for you a recompense in cxchange for your notes which will rcmuncratc you well for all cxpense and for the time lost." Naturally, I refused. At Paris I spoke of my project to Cardinal Rotelli, whose acquaintance I had made at Constantinople. He also opposed the publication of my work under the pretext that it would be premature. "The church," lic acided, "suffers already too much from this new current of atlicistic idcas, and you will only furnish new pasturc to the culumniators and slanicrers of the Evangelical doctrine. I say this in the interest of all Christian churches." After this I called on M. Jules Simon. He found that my communication wis il very interesting one and recommended me to ask the advice of M. Rinau, upon the best way to publish the inemoirs. The next dry found me in the office of the great philosophier. At the end of our conversation, M. Riman propuseil to me to intrust the memoirs in question to luim, so that he might be able to make a report to the Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only


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