Book Title: Unknown Life of Jesus Christ Old Edition 1894 Publication
Author(s): Nicholas Notovitch, Virchand R Gandhi, Kumarpal Desai
Publisher: World Jain Confederation

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Page 9
________________ viii I'REFACE. monastcrics possessed copies and translations of those chronicles. As there was little probability that I should again visit those countries, I postponed to a future date my return to Europe, and, cost what it might, I resolved cither to secure those cupics from the great convents, or at any rate go to Lassa for further information on the subject--a journcy far from being so dangerous and difficult as wc arc led to belicve. Morcover, by this time I was so well accustomed to these kinds of perils that they could not deter me from my lilcrtaking. During my stay at Leh, the capital of Ladak, I vis. ited thic grcat nuonastery of Ilimuis, situated ncar the city. The chicf Lama of the monastery told me that the monastic library contained some copies of the manuscript in question. Lest I should awaken the suspicion of the authorities on the object of my visit to the convent, and thicreby find obstacles in my character as a Russian in my future journey in Thilct, 1 dctcrmined to Icave the capital of Ladak, and departed for India. An unfortunate fall, by which I broke my lcg, furnished mc with an unexpected prctcxt to return to the inonastery, whicre I received excellent care; and during my sliort stay will die Luas, i laditle lionor of obtaining the consent of their chics to have brought from the librarylle mannscript relating to Jesus Christ, and, aidcal by my interpreter, who translated for mc from the Thibetan langunge, I wrole down cuelully the verses as they were read by thic Lama. Not doubting at all the authenticity of this chronicle, related with great exactitude Ivy tlic Brahmin historians and by the Buddhists of India and Nepal, I determined upon my return to Europe to publish thic translation. With this olject lieliessee mysell to several well-knowi ecclesiastics, represting them to revise these notes, and to give me their opinion of them. Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only


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