English language in which they are written is pure and pristine to such extent that even the learned editor has found no scope for any correction.
These lectures on the systems of Indian philosophy should be translated into Hindi as early as possible so that the students of different levels can understand them. In short, then only the students can avail of the faithful presentation of the subject, which they need most. Moreover, the study of these lectures will prove fruitful to them for the further study of the voluminous works on the subject.
On the auspicious occasion of the birth-day celebration of Venerable Vijayanandasurishvaraji (Venerable Atmaramji Maharaj), revered Vijayavallabhasuri often praised Gandhi in glowing terms spontaneously coming from his own personal experience. He used to say that wonderful were the grasping power and politeness of Gandhiji. And it is on that account that he learnt what was essential from Venerable Atmaramaji Maharaj within a short time. And he duly utilised in America the knowledge thus acquired. But from the talks of revered Vijayavallabhasuri about Gandhi, it emerges that he had no knowledge of these six lectures. He talked only about the above-mentioned three works pertaining to Jaina tradition. Now that we are celebrating the centenaries of Gandhi and Acaryaji, Shri Mahavira Jaina Vidyalaya should carry out all this work remaining incomplete or untouched. This is what is desired.
Lastly, it is necessary to note some characteristics of Gandhi. First, he was a good scholar of Sanskrit. This is the reason why he could properly understand all the systems of Indian philosophy and this is again the reason why he rightly and fearlessly suggested the Christians of America to ponder over the question as to whether the missionaries or priests they sent to India conduct their proselytizing activities adopting any method and means or with proper understanding of
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