(b) We mentioned last time five forms of observances. They are purity, bodily and mental, contentment, austerities, study and resignation to (i) It is needless to say that mental purity leads to passivity, pleasantness, fixity of attention, subjugation of the senses and fitness for communion with soul.21 (ii) The second observance is contentment. Superlative happiness is the result of contentment.22 (iii) As for the austerities, the Yoga philosophy claims that miraculous powers of the body and the senses arise therefrom;23 the inner sense becomes more developed in proportion to the mortification of the flesh and various methods more or less severe are practised in all religions. Miraculous powers known as second sight, levitation etc. are the result of austerities. Even some ignorant classes of India are known to possess these powers. They are accounted to flow on account of austerities practised in past incarnation though in ignorance of the laws of such powers. Although these are the sign of the real yoga power, they are not the true end of yoga. (iv) Study-the fourth observance-is claimed to lead to communion with the higher and subtler forces of nature.24 The constant, silent and devoted repetition of certain formulas is said to be efficacious in establishing a sort of communion with the higher powers of nature. (v) And the resignation to leads to the accomplishment of that final state of quietude, the .25 We have then finished the first two stages through which a practitioner of yoga has to pass.
21. YS 2,41 22. YS 2.42
23. YS 2.43
24. YS 2.44
25. YS. 2.45
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