without limbs, then without any special identity and lastly as not apart from self. 21. We have thus finished the eight stages. The first five of them are only the preliminaries to the yoga which really consists in the last three. The first five accessories are called the external means of yoga. The last three are internal.37 Even the Fin (as the last three are so called collectively) is merely preparatory for the final end, the unconscious FH179;38 for in 4 there is something to depend upon whereas in real 74119 there is nothing to depend upon. 22. The question therefore naturally arises-what does the mind transform itself into in that state of unconscious GHT? The transformed state in that समाधि is known in Sanskrit as निरोध, i.e. interception of all transformations, thoughts or distractions-of course not ordinary distractions but the distraction which is still there in the form of conscious Ehita. As compared with the highest or unconscious Phi, conscious HATTE is a distraction, no doubt, for there is yet something which the mind entirely transforms itself into. The moment the mind begins to pass from one state into the other, two distinct processes begin, viz. the slow but sure going out of the impressions that distract and the equally gradual but certain rise of the impressions that intercept. When the intercepting impressions gain complete supremacy, the moment of interception is achieved and the mind transforms itself into this intercepting moment, so to speak. It is in the interval of this change that the mind may drop and fall into what is called u or a state of passive dullness leading to all the miseries of irresponsible mediumship.
37. YS. 3.7 38. YS. 3.8
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