to mention-3, i. e. only to name the things by their respective names. Then you have to give the s of those things, i. e. give the differentia of those things -differentia, i. e. those qualities which belong to them only and to nothing else and which at the same time are their essential qualities, i. e. qualities without which they cannot exist. This means that after naming them you have to give their logical definitions. And thirdly you have to examine whether those definitions are right. The sixteen topics of Nyaya philosophy are treated in that way. We shall proceed with them
in order.
3. The first is Я, i. e. the means or instruments by which or the right measure of any subject is to be obtained. These are the different processes by which the mind arrives at a true and accurate knowledge. These processes are four - प्रत्यक्ष, अनुमान, उपमान and शाब्द. We shall describe them when we come to the Vaisheshika philosophy.2 The second topic is by which is meant all the objects or subjects of right knowledge. They are twelve in number : आत्मा (soul), शरीर (body), इन्द्रिय (organs or senses ), अर्थ (objects of sense), बुद्धि (understanding or intellect), मनः (mind), a (activity), दोष ( faults ), प्रेत्यभाव (transmigration), फल (consequences or fruits) दुःख (pain), अपबर्ग ( emancipation). These are the twelve of which we have to get the right knowledge by any one of the four processes. The other fourteen topics are not different categories under which things can be classed but rather regular stages through which a logical controversy is to pass. For instance, in discussing a topic there is first the state of or doubt about the point to be discussed. Next
Jain Education International
2. The promise is not kept-at least not in the available manuscript.
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