(16) Crush magnetic stone to fine pieces, crush it with human blood and put it into a Jalayantra and give a hard seal so that water does not break. Crush these five thing-searth (clay), husk (fotra), prahiņā (not identified), chalk, jhiko (not identified), sea-salt (Saimdhava) and make a crucible by mixing them. It will be a hard crucible.' Menamundra : The Process of wax seal.
(17) Take lead sr., milk of Ficus glomerate- sr., milk of Calotropis gigantea ţ sr., leaf of Butea Utils țā. 5, Yogini tā-5, Muyalı tā 5. Boil Betuda utilis ţa. 5 and Muyāli in 1. Sr. of water; next make them into pieces in a pot of bell-metal, Menanudrā is produced.
(18 Fry kalicūno tā. 30 and Samkhanābhi (naval part of conch shell) tā. 45 with linseed oil tā. 75 and take them out, and seal them up, and go on giving cūyā (drops) to the powder of salt pai. 2 with the (juice of) Anacardium for 3 or 7 days by crushing, Khāra (Salt). Menamudrā is accomplished.
(19) Make the essence of sulphur ga. 1., realgar ga. 1 and mercury ga. 1. Make a lead and smear it with the essence; give 3 puțas (roastings) to the leaf of lead. That lead gets killed and (gets converted into) silver; ga. 4 gold.
(20) Crush all these-copper ga. 5, mercury ga. 3, realgar ga. 2, borax (ga,) 1, and natron ga. 1 in the juice of Vaạidudhi (Euphorbia pilulifera) and smear the leaf of lead or copper with the essence and heat it in fire. Silver.
(21) Melt lohanarina (iron ?) ga-2 and mercury ga-2 by putting (them) into an open crucible. There becomes the essence.
(22) Boil the leaf of Kathira (Kalai = tin) ga. 16 in the urine of ass; melt 8 karşas of salt and tola of lime, combine mercury ga. 8 into tin and boil them. Next melt that leaf by wrapping, put the essence ga. 1 into it. Having brought cyperus rotundus and carmaghāsa (a kind of grass) and press their juice (out of them). Put mercury into it, give, (put) a covering of cloth and clay over it. Next plaster (wrap) cowdung over it and put it into (the fire of) dry wild cowdung cakes and cook it (the whole thing.) Next crush Kaďahru, grind (gum of cochlospermum gossypium, put it into he milk of she-goat and cook it. Next melt tin and put mercury into it. Silver.
(23). Take out oil from realger 1, orpiment 1, sulphur 1, mineral calamine 1, borax 1, white mica 1, and Anacardium-māsā 1, (by heating them) in a pātālayantra. Mix copper into that oil and melt it, in equal
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