Remedies for Piles and Jaundice
Incurable haemorrhage (bleeding or piles) and jaundice go away by the use of stool (excreta) of rat, give it to the patient afflicted with the said diseases with butter-milk (Chāsi) ţă . true!.
Remedy for Gonorrhoea
Give 1 pața (roasting) of clipla alb = wedelia calendulaca (Bhāngrā) to black mica, 2 patas of datura meta, 1 pata of Calotropis gigantea, 1 pața of Euphorbia pilulifera (Nāgadudhi), 1 pa. of purple tephrosia (sarāpamkha), 1 pața of adventious branch of Banian tree (vadavāi), 1 pața of cow's urine (to it), each pața is fallowed by the heat of fire for 1 hour?.
Medicine :
Vişama jvara (typhoid fever) goes away (if the medicine thus prepared is taken), it is to be taken with butter made of she-buffalo's milk; all gonorrhoeas (sychotic diseases) go away (i.e. cured) (if it is taken).
Put coral sr. and black mica țā. 1 into an earthen vessel, fill it up to that extent till (as, they get sunk into the milk Aloe vera; give the whole thing gajapuţāgni. Take the clay of the house of a potter. Next dig a pit equal to the height of the waist (of a man), fill two gāthadis (bundles) of dry wild cowdung cakes into the pit. Place the vessel on fire of 2 bundles of dry cowdung cakes, fire becomes bright. Again and again, thus give them fire seven times. The essence benefits that much like: mercury. Its price-value will come as demanded by mouth (word). Sell 4 parikās (doses) for Rs. 1/; make fire strong. Cough, breathing trouble and semen trouble (gonorrhoea) stop, (if taken); give it fire for 4 praharas.
Grind cinnabar in the juice of the flower of Segāțhā for 12 praharas, give it dipāgni (fire of lamp) for 12 praharas all types of gonorrhoea are cured by this medicines.
1. SRSS., Ch. 10. 64 2. SRSS., Ch. 7. 1. 3. Ibid. , 4. SRSS., Ch. 7. 5 5. SRSS., Ch. 9. 60
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