Ón its beiug smookless, take it out. Give seven or twenty one putas to them, give it (mix it) into amalasar sulphur.1
Melt lohanarina (dust of iron ?) ga. 2 and mercury ga. 2 by putting them into an open crucible. There becomes the essence.2
Crush Agrai Bodara (Muradārasing) (a kind of common mineral)3 (ash of lead plumbum oxydum) and allow it to remain in the fermented juice (liquor) grapes for a day. Next give it fire, white Bodara is produced by rubbing.+
Make big tablets by rubbing the wood of Neem 300 years old. Give paisa under and over them. (There will be) white copper, put white copper in the juice of narrow-leaved Sepistan (Cordia Rothii)."
Crush or reduce to paste the roof of Marahați (Spilanthus oleracia= marahati), with mercury and also in the juice of Thistle (Echinops echinata utakata) and crush also datura (thorny apple) māsā 1 and Achyranthus aspera māsa 1 in the juice of Euphorbia Pilufera (dudheli), in the juice of Hyosayanus. Niger? (kharasant), in the juice of plumbago and in the juice of aquatic Eclipta alba. The thing is produced in Jalayantra.
Take mercury, sulphur, Kaneriu realgar, orpiment and oxide of arsenic combine mercury ta. 8, sulphur ta. 8, Kaneriu realgar ta. 4, orpiment ță. 2 and oxide of arsenic ta. 1 and give 7 putas to the combined thing with the juice of small and large Euphorbia pilulifera. Next give the combination 7 putas with the juice of leaf of piper beetle. Next put lime (kathocuno) into it and take out the juice; give it 7 putas of datura, (a kind of vanaspati) 7 putas of the juice of Ajhijhaḍā, then 7 putas of Dolichondron falcata, (Meḍhasimgi) 7 putas of peniroyal (Spilanthus oleracia= Marahathi), 7 putas of the juice of Hiraboni (not identified) these putas-7. 1. SRSS., Ch. VI. 17
2. Ibid. Ch. VI. 21
3. It is yellow and of leafy structure and occurs in Gujarat and round about Abu.
4. SRSS., Ch. VII. 7
5. SRSS., Ch. VII. 7.
6. SRSS., Ch. 8. 12.
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