(Himawani#Nāgakesar), pai. 1 bher of Momordica Divea (Kanyadibija) And pai. 1 dalās af cadotropis gigantea arkabāja).
Apread them out over the cloth and pour Kāthoni (thick piece of wood ?). Make it (cloth) wet with the mustard oil. Trakudo Kboine (not identified), køep the piece in one place, it gets melted by the contact of fire. Next melt silver to. and copper to tape drop (of the essence) is to be cast into that; when all copper gets decayed (assimilated), then silver becames gold."
Put molassess 2 (parts), sulphur 2 (parts), lime 4 (parts), gorocanā (a scented thing)-2 parts, and a leaf of zinc into an open crucible. There becomes gold; (if) next give that zinc into copper.
Put Dațhiu sulphur tā. 3 into a small copper box by grinding it, mix rice like pieces of zinc tā. 3 into it. Spread out sambhara salt 3 ratis by pounding it. Give (put) a cover (lid) over the small box and a layer of clay. After drying up the two, give it heat into the fire of dry wild cowdung cakes-7 srs. On its getting cold, take it out. The grains of zinc like pearls become gold, take it.3
Take mercury tola 39, zinc țā. 41, teliu borax tā 49, the juice of Aloe vera (tā) and the juice of black Cirupoți (tā); (Cirodi ? Esarcostemma brevistigma), Purify mercury in jhika, (not identified) in the juice of lemon for 3 days, next melt lead and zinc together, next make a lump with mercury. Purify amalsār sulphur in mustard oil, and quench it. By closing all things into a copper sampuța (lid) fill the juice of cirapoti and the juice of Aloe vera into a copper box (dabi) and close it, Wrap it up with iron wire, make a smearing over it by combining brick, sweet, fiag root. old boha (bodha ?=Ballan vine ?) and molasses and crushing them. give (put) 3 layers of cloth and clay over it, dry it up for 3 days, give it gajaputāgni for 4. praharas on its getting cold, take it out. There becomes
Take Samkhiu somala (oxide of arsenic) and mercury in equal portion. Rub them in the milk of Tridhārā and Caudhālā Thohara (Euphorbia
1. SRSS., Ch. 11. 2. 20. 2. SRSS., Ch. 11. 2. 21. 3. Ibid Ch. 11. 22. 4. SRSS.. Ch. 11. 2. 23
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