(46) Take Somalakhara (oxide of arsenic) and pure sabu (Soap ?). (Take) milk of calotropis gigantea - 1 1/2 srs. and 2 srs. respectively and rub them with It. Next make pills of them and put them into a crucible, and give a layer of cloth and clay over it. Next give it fire in a Velukayantra for 5 praharas methodically. Take out the whole thing and worship it. Pra. dekh. hava 10.
(47) Make the thick bread of zinc thick, give it pata (roasting) of lime, give it fire for 4 days. Next chew betel leaf and throw the spit into it. Next burn it in the fire of dry wild cowdung cakes. Thus there becomes suto (rupo ?) (Silver ?)
(48) Make a cup of zinc. Next take milk of Calotropis gigantea, put salt into it, gets burnt; then put the upside down into an earthen vessel. Next make fire under it; it then grind it and give it tuya upto 3 months. Then give it suryaputa (roasting by the sunrays) for a month. That cup becomes powdered-if not, give pata to it again like that. Close Pāde. 2 Pour the juice of Achyranthus (aghāḍā) tā. 9 into a fresh earthen vessel, put copper tola 3 (into it), put Somala (oxide of arsenic) 1 māsā, (into it), stir up the whole thing, cover it up, give it gentle fire (mandagni). Take it out on its getting cold. If it is bound by pouring it into a piece of cloth, the goți (pill) becomes marvellous.
(49) The juice of Rāvāloliya (a kind of plant) is very strong (urgalo valoli), (take) 6 Srs. of its juice and stir it up, with a branch of Calotropis gigantea. It is of 2 Paṁktis (Pākas), give it fire of Calotropis gigantea, and stir it up in the juice of Wedilia Calendulacca (Bhangra). It gets reduced to ash.
(1) Fill the root of castor, the root of Vaḍavagni, (a kind of plant) and the root of Datura with salt into two earthen jars (Kundas) of equal size. They are valaviryam (strength-and energy-giving). When reduced to ashes they are equal to the full moon in lustre.
(2) Take the excreta of pigeon, guñja (Abrus pricatorius), mercury and borax, sarjikhārā (natron), calotropis gigantea in triputa. Copper becomes (white) like moon.
(50) If copper is smeared with mica, mercury, borax, natron, excreta of pigeon and milk of Calotropis gigantea, its blackness is destroyed by one puta (roasting).
1. Not diciphered. 2. Not clear.
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