limitations of particular aspects of the subject as the scientist is. He views life steadily and sees it in all its comprehensiveness. As Plato observes, a philosopher (dārganika) is “the spectator of all time and existence”. Darsana is the whole-view as revealed to the soul-sense. Man is a rational animal and rationality is the chief differentia which distinguishes him from others. He thinks about the nature of the different things of the world. Darsana originated from the moment when man began to think and cogitate. The antiquity of darsana could be traced to man himself. There have been divergent approaches to the understanding of the origin of darśana, based on the prevailing circumstances. Some have laid emphasis upon the intellectual exercise, while others have given primary importance to the aspect of wisdom. Darsana stands for a philosophical perspective, a Wel. tanschauung. It means the view of the world. There are some thinkers who contend that darsana is the perception of the self. Thus, the varied viewpoints may be traced to the circumstances which prevailed during particular periods of time.
Some thinkers say that the origin of darśana lies in intellectual enquiry. It is believed that darsana begins from the exact moment, one asks the question : Why ?'. Before the commencement of the age of darśana, there was the age of faith (Sraddhā). Statements of an authority, like a prophet, were implicitly accepted as true in nature. For instance, we find in recorded history, utterances of great piophets like The Buddha and Mahāvira and the statements of Manu were accepted implicitly as ipso facto Truths. It may be noted in the context, that faith marks the starting-point of one's journey towards the ultimate goal. It also indicates the first vision of truth. It is considered as a great moral virtue and absolutely essential for a spiritual aspirant for his realisation of the Supreme, according to the Indian tradition. For instance, the Rgveda praises faith. The Gitā proclaims that only the faithful gains knowledge.
1 Rgveda, 10.151, 1-5. 2 Gitā, 4.39.
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