Book Title: Selected 100 Letters by Shrimad Rajchandraji Author(s): Shrimad Rajchandra, Publisher: Shrimad Rajchandra Prabhavak Trust Hubli View full book textPage 6
________________ SI.No. Letter No. Title Page No Si.No. Letter No. Title Page No 38 436 44 486 45. 491 39 437 46. 504 40 438 Equanimity, joyfulness, constantly 63 thinking of higher stages of one's soul, Thinking of Tirthankar, doting on tirthankara's sayings, remembering and desiring to follow the spiritual guidance given by the Tirthankara and the addresses and instructions given by the Tirthankara for our spiritual progress. In this world only the soul in its human embodied condition can think 04 of the pure self and it can be described to some extent in speech. Equanimity, Joyfulness, constantly thinking of higher stages of one's own soul meaning of all three qualities. Definition of the soul's duty, Shri Tirthankara says that to substance called Jiva in a this world. If the living soul wants to enjoy worldly life with clear affection then. Oy He should consider physical or zu bodily pain as the nature of the physical body and then he should settle his intellect into the resort to the all-knowing saint and thereby become fearless. He should confirm that he has obtained the right religion from his all - knowing preceptor and also feel the teachings of such a preceptor as satisfying. Tirthankara Bhagavan calls sloth 76 and idleness as karma. Tirthankara repeatedly advises the 77 afflicted worldly people to realise that on getting the human birth they shall certainly try to realise liberation that all four categories of souls birth are fraught with danger and that ignorance cannot lead them to proper discrimination. I am engaged in mental, bodily and 79 speaking activities more than I would like. Even if one correctly knows the all knowing saint directly facing him, such knowledge is very beneficial to him. If we know the all- knower then we should address him as such. The binding modifications of our 81 mind should be completely silenced and one should learn the method of doing so. Whatever efforts this living soul has 82 made in his previous life to obtain liberation are seen to have not been made under advice of a right allknowing preceptor. If that had been done then he would already have been liberated by now. Just as water by nature cool, adopts 86 heat in contact with fire, similarly the living self, by nature free, adopts 47. 510 41 454 460 48. 511 43 466 49. 516 XIPage Navigation
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