Book Title: Selected 100 Letters by Shrimad Rajchandraji Author(s): Shrimad Rajchandra, Publisher: Shrimad Rajchandra Prabhavak Trust Hubli View full book textPage 4
________________ SI.No. Letter No. Title Page No SI.No. Letter No. Title Page No 12 147 18 195 - 34 Without single mindedness in following the teachings of one's spiritual preceptor. O Lord! In this Kaliyuga (time) The nature of Kaliyuga adverse (time) 13 163 19. 200 14 166 Well wishing sentences... In every saying of the upright saint. 20 207 15 172 21 209 The firm belief of the devotee of truth- The ordinary man does not know who he really is and this is his condition from time immemorial. One who wrongly believes as to what he really is. The disciple who has a strong aspiration for true guidance for self liberation, gets the right preceptor who puts him on the right path to liberation. A series of sayings indicating that the living self has forgotten his true nature. Difficult self effort Right "Religion and Right Knowledge-Some type of activity. The highest reality described or called by infinite names. The great saints in their various expressions have ultimately manifested the same highest reality or truth. Truth is not at all far or away from us. Salutations to that truth. Desire or search for getting the truth - and the acquaintance of the right preceptor as the fruit of that strong desire of aspiration for the truth getting. These times are very obstructive to a spiritual aspirant for liberation Therefore, the highest means for liberation namely the acquaintance of the living self-realised soul is very difficult to achieve in these 16 183 30 22 211 40 23 212 41 Salutations at all three stages of time to one's true form or nature as you incarnate without any difference or sense of separation. The embodied migrating self has not yet realized its true unprecented permanent self. The living self has not obtained the real road to his liberation. Why ? Salutations to the self's indifferentiated true form and this feeling of the real self is always freely moving 17. 194 24 249 43 VIIPage Navigation
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