3, Knowlcdge (Inana) was classified as Canonical or Agamic, and Philosophical
or Darsanic The fivc kinds of knowledge wcrc based on the former, while Pratyaksa and Paroksi arc dciclopments of the latter Pratyaksa was divided into Samvvavaharıka and Param irthila, while Parok sa into Smriti, Tarh., Pratyabhuna, Anumana and Agama Unlike Buddhism, Parmarthika Pratyaksa was Sivikalpak? (determinnic) Sumati's theory was referred to in the
Tattvasangraha in this connection 4 Purc self could attain omniscience Hence Jaina Tirthankuras nchicved this
stage of complctc purification and became omniscient The ideology of omniscience was gradunlly dcicloped in Buddhism as a result of Jaina influcncc Pratinn and Hoiu were the only organs of Pararthanumann Patrakcsari's Vicus was referred to by Sintarasita in the Tattvasangraha in this connection It was mentioned there that Anvathrinu-pipal was the essential character of Hotu Apart from the knowledge of other's cpistemological thcorics, the Jains and the Buddhists, through centuries of mutual criticism, contributed subst inually towards the enrichment of philosophical specul ition in India and added to the sum total of human expericnce in its quest for the Truth
In regard to the conception of Anchantv.ada und Syadvadat, we may conclude as follows 1 The rudiments of Syadvada conception of Jainas Lain be glcuned from the early
Pali literature It originally belonged to Jainas and all the subscquent thinkers adopted it in a somewhat different way as a common approach to conceive the nature of reality Syadvada in neither Ucchedavad. nor Sasvatavad is Buddhnghosa understands, but it recognises permanence-in-change According to this theory, the triple characters viz., origination, destruction and permanencc, can be in a
substance at one and thic same time 3 Arthakriya (casual efficiency) is the essence of Syadvada conception Accord
ing to the Jainas, thc Arthahriya is possible only in a dynamic (Parinami)
substance 4 The nature of rcality is universal cum-particular
Professor and Director Centre for Jaina Studies University of Rajasthon Jaipur (Rajasthan)