________________ xxxii Title of the work in the left margin in line with first two lines, and below it the folio number in line with the fourth line. Again, folio number in the right margin at the bottom in line with the 14th line. It is copied from the Patan Ms. This B Ms. commences on folio 1 page B, with a Bhale sign, followed by "//Om namah sarvajnaya// Siddham jinam sarvvavidam niramjanan sarvviyam isam kamalalayam guru/ ntva...". It ends on folio 143 page A, in the 15th line with "balipure tadadyam drbdham maya sapta-sahasra-kalpan// 11 // Cha // Sri // subham bhavatu // Samvat 1949 posa sukla 10 budhadine lipikrtam josi devakrsnah savas japura madhavarajneh". 6. 4. 2. J Ms. This is Palm Leaf Ms. the original being stored in Jesalmer, and preserved in the for to 187, developed from Microfilm Roll No. 6, No. 95. In all it consists of 394 folios each of which measures about 45 to 30 Cms. in length and 5 Cms. in width. Folio 201 is missing. It is listed with the title "Parcagramthi Buddhisagara Vyakarana", and is copied in the 13th century of the Vikrama Era. A part of the first folio, measuring about one-eighth of the folio has been broken off and lost. The number of lines per page varies from 6 to 3 depending on the width of the leaf-folio. Over and above the usual left and right margins there are two more margins in the middle of the lines, thus dividing the lines in three equal parts. These inner margins have a hole in the centre for string. The script is Jaina Devanagari with Padimatra style. On the reverse side of the folios, i. e. on pages B, in the middle of the left margin there is a sort of a Bhale sign, while the serial number of the folio is given in the right margin in the middle. The broken first folio begins with "-dam niranjanam sarvviyam isam kama // // lalaya guru / Natva...". It ends with the end of the 6th line of folio 374 A, with the right-hand one-third of the line reading "srikajabalipure tadadyam // Dsbdham maya saptasahasrakalpa / / 11 // 691 //". The prints of the folios are brought out in such a way that in each plate about 14 folio pages, all of them either of A side or of B side are developed in positive. The last plate No. 187 has a print of the B page of the five folios (Nos. 369-373), while the last-but-one plate No. 186 has a print of the A page of the six folios (369-374). Just after the writing in plate No. 187, leaving a space of about 6 Cms. below the last line of folio 373, the following note is printed in English with capital letters : "This oldest Jaina collection of palm and paper manuscripts (Shri Jinabhadra Jaina - Bhandar), after eight hundred years has completely been revised, reorganised,