________________ xliii 8.6. Since we have not yet come across the text of Vamana's Visrantavidyadhara-vyakarana, it is not possible to evaluate the contribution of Vamana to the PGBV, although it is strikingly obvious so far as the Linganusasana of the latter is concerned. In this Durga too seems to have contributed to a considerable extent. 8.7. There are instances, where PGBV sutras show resemblance with only one of Panini (P), or Candra (C) or Jainendra (JS) sutra are found, while those with that of sakatayana are conspicuous by their profusion. Thus, for instance, PGBV 1.1.5. and P 1.1.9; PGBV and P 1.1.60-61; PGBV and C 6.2.47; PGBV and C 5.1.124; PGBV and C 6.4.55-58; PGBV and JS 5.4.45; PGBV and JS 5.4.97, 95, 96. This shows that Buddhisagara has drawn upon panini and sakatayana prominently, while he has also utilized Candra and Jainendra when felt necessary and suitable. And, he has requisitioned the help of Vamana and Durga most probably for his Linganusasana only. 9. Critical Estimate 9.1. The Pratyahara-sutras have been adopted by Buddhisagara in his auto-commentary on 1.1.3 as they were in vogue from ancient time, and he has not cast them into the metrical mode, in order to avoid any doubt about them 126. Cardona has noted 127 that some scholars, like Skold, Mangal Deva Shastri, Feddegon, Konow, have claimed that the Siva-sutras, or the Pratyahara-sutras, were not set up by Panini, but by a predecessor. However, research into the relation between the set of sounds and the rules of the Astadhyayi has brought out their intimate relation with each other and no serious student of Panini any longer holds the above view. Scholars like K. A. Subrahmania Iyer, Thieme, K. Madhava Krishna Sarma, Jayadatta Shastri, Yudhisthira Mimamsaka and Cardona himself accept that Panini composed the Siva-sutras, may be due to the grace of Lord Siva. Panini has the following 14 siva-sutras : aiun / 1), rlk / 21, eon / 31, aiauc / 47, hayavarat / 57, lan /. 67, namanananam / 7, jhabhan / 8), ghadhadhas / 97, jabagadadas / 10 / khaphachathathacatatav / 11, kapay / 12 /, sasasar / 13 1, and hal / 14 7. Candra sticks to these sutras excepting that he reduces their number to 13 by combining the Paninian sutras 5 and 6 into one, viz., hayavaralan /. Like Panini, he employs the Anubandha n twice; (1) in aiun, and (2) in hayavaralan, by way of an improvement. In the shorter recension of the Jainendra-vyakarana (JM) no Siva-sutras are found but the Pratyaharas are still used and they are the same as those of Panini, implying thereby that