________________ 344 पञ्चग्रन्थी व्याकरणम् षट्पदीगाथा पोडशगम् स्रग्विणी हरिणी N. B. 1. This listing is as per the mention of the metres by the author himself. 614 type seems to include the verses which contain quarters which do not fall into a particular defined metre-type but have admixture of various traits of इन्द्रवज्रा, इन्द्रवंशा, उपजाति or उपेन्द्रवज्रा in the same quarter. 2. In the auto-commentary too, the author has utilized, over and above the above-mentioned metres, the following ones also, viz. अष्टगा, अष्टमाला. आर्यागीति. गाथा, गीति, चतर्या, छन्दस, जलदाली, जलधरमाला, दशरेहा. दोधक पञ्चपदी, पञ्चपात्. भद्रिका, मयूरसारणी, रथोद्धता, रुक्मवती, रूपचतुष्क, वितान, विपुला, वृत्तवितान, वृत्ति, श्लोक, षट्पाद्वितान, समानी, सङ्गता, and हरिणप्लुता, all of them specifically, named by him.