________________ xlviii on the first member of the Gana which had to be mentioned in the beginning of the Sutra concerned and that Sutra had to be fitted in a particular sequence in the body of the verse, and in such cases the traditional first member of the Gana, after which the Gana was named could not be fitted in the available position in the verse. Some instances of this type are as follows: Damahajadi (, Samyadi (, Tiladi (, Adyadi (, Bhavadadi (, Dhaikadi (, Coladi (, Kekayadi (, Darbhadi (, Capadi (, Simsapadi and * Sisadi (, Caitryadi (, Rtvadi (, Kalapyadi (, Kvadi (, Saprajadi (, Vahikadi (, Bhadi (, Cudadi (, Natadi (, Yugyadi (, Sasayadi (, Pravasadi (, Artvijinadi (, Vahadi (, Vijadi (, Vilepakadi (, Abhradi (, Prthvadi (, Manojnadi (, Hottvijadi (, Yathamukhadi (, Dhanadi (, Arcitadi (, Udanvadadi (, Jyotsnadi, Jatadi, Navadi and Sidhmadi (, Kesadi (, Krsyadi and Navayajnadi (, Kusumbhadi (, Anguradi (, Taskaradi 5.6.1). Yajadi ( Radi ( Audidradi ( Sradi (, Havadi (, Vyadhadi (, Vradi (, Nakhamucadi (, Klisadi (, Jvadi (, Jradi (, Nidadi (, and etc. Some of these Ganas seem to be the lists of Pratyayas, and perhaps Dhatus, too. * In Panini's Ganapatha we come across two types of the Gana, viz., Akrti and Pathita. Akrti-gana is that class or group of words which are actually mentioned and room is left to include others found to be undergoing the same operations 135. It appears that initially only such words were read in the Akrti-ganas as could not possibly be justified by the sutras of that particular topic as shown by Patanjali and Katyayana in their two Vartikas on Panini's Astadhyayi sutra 8.3.98 and 8.4.39, respectively, prescribing the unusual retroflexion in the case of the Susamadi and preventing the similar one in the case of the Ksubhnadi Ganas 136. The grammarians posterior to Panini, on the other hand, not only tried to read more and more words into the Akrti-ganas, but also treated some of the Pathita-ganas of Panini as the Akrti-ganas. Thus, for instance the pathita-ganas named Saundadi and Kadaradi of Panini have been treated as Akrti-ganas 137 by Sakatayana in the Amoghavrtti on 2.1.52 and 2.1.117. Usually, the Akrti-ganas end with the word 'adi', but sometimes, the particle 'ca' is added to indicate the unread words, and the akrti nature thereof. The omission of the word 'vrt', which