________________ Xxxvi 7.3. The whole of the Panca-granthi-buddhisagara-vyakarana (PGBV) comprises 207 primary verses in various metres and an autocommentary on it consisting of both the prose and verses composed by the author himself, which in its turn explains, elaborates, supplements and discusses these verses by breaking them up in the sutras. Normally, the verses are given first, and the auto-commentary follows immediately after each verse. But in a few cases, especially when the author is incorporating the Linganusasana, the Ganapatha, the Dhatupatha, and the Unadipatha, either in the primary verses or in the autocommentary, the verses are given en masse and the autocommentary starts only after the group of verses are enumerated. The abovementioned auxiliary texts are generally incorporated in the auto-commentary portion. Thus, for instance, the Linganusasana which comprises thirty-eight (38) verses and the auto-commentary on it, forms a part of the Sutra, which in its turn forms only one of the nine Sutras incorporated in the primary verse 1.2.1. The primary verses are formulated by compressing in them the Sutras, in all one thousand nine hundred and twenty two (1,922). Now, with regards to the problem of locating a particular primary verse, sutra, or the verse in its auto-commentary, there is no system available anywhere in the original traditional manuscripts of the PGBV. Consequently, a system of locating a particular portion of the text has to be devised. To this end, the editor has fixed up a five-fold classification of the text into Adhyaya, pada, Primary Verse, Sutra, and auto-commentary Verse. Thus, for instance, the last verse of the Linganusasana can be located, in the text of the PGBV, as, which means that it is the 38th verse in the auto-commentary on the sutra 'Hrasvo napah' ( which is the 1st sutra of the 1st primary verse of the 2nd Pada of the 1st Adhyaya. . 7.4. The total number of 1,922 sutras are fitted into 207 metrical verses of the primary text of the PGBV very skilfully utilizing various metres like Indravajra, Indravaisa, Upajati, Dodhaka, Drutavilambita, even sardulavikridita and Dandaka, as also many others. The Adhyaya-wise and Pada-wise numbers of verses and sutras are as follows: Adhyaya Pada No. of Verses No. of Sutras 151 248 56 13 FIRST ADHYAYA = Total 60 551 . 96