of smoke,” the connection between fire and smoke, that is, the constant presence of fire with smoke, is called vyāpti or Inseparable connection. It is of two kinds : (1) Intrinsic, and (2) Extrinsic.
7. Antar vyāpti Intrinsic inseparable connection (antar-vyāpti) occurs when the minor term (pakşa), itself as the common abode of the middle term (hetu) and the major term (sādhya), shows the inseparable connection between them, thus :
(1) This hill (minor term) is full of fire (major term); (2) because it is full of smoke (middle term).
Here the inseparable connection between fire and smoke is shown by the hill (minor term) in which both of them abide. .
8. Bahir Vyāpti Extrinsic inseparable connection (bahir-vyāpti) occurs when an example (drstānta) from the outside is introduced as the common abode of the middle term (hetu) and the major term (sādhya) to assure the inseparable connection between them, thus :
(1) This hill is full of fire (major term); (2) because it is full of smoke (middle term); (3) as a kitchen (example).
Here the reference to the kitchen is no essential part of the inference, but is introduced from without as a common instance of a place in which fire and smoke exist together, and so it reaffirms the inseparable connection between them.
Some logicians hold that that which is to be proved, that is, the major term (sādhya), can be established by intrinsic inseparable connection (antar-vyāpti) only : hence the extrinsic inseparable connection (bahir vyāpti) is superfluous.
9. Fallacies of the middle term The semblance of reason or fallacy of the middle term (hetvā. bhāsa) arises from doubt, misconception or non-conception about it (the middle term). It is of three kinds :
(1) The unproved (asiddha): This is fragrant, because it is a sky.lotus.
Here the reason (middle term), viz. the sky-lotus, is unreal.
(2) The contradictory (viruddha): “This is fiery, because it is a body of water.”
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