I acknowledge my debt to the writers and publishers of the books I have referred to. It is a pleasure to acknowledge my obligation to all those who have been of great help in preparing this thesis. Mention must be made of Prof. (Dr.) R. A. Sinari, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, I. I. T. (Bombay) for his valuable comments and suggestions. My warmest thanks are also due to my esteemed friend Prof. R. M. Dave of S. I. E. S. College, Bombay, for his wholehearted assistance.
I can hardly find appropriate words to express my indebtedness to my revered professor Dr. S. G. Mudgal, Principal, Ruparel College, Bombay, under whose erudite, inspiring and affectionate guidance this research is done. It was a matter of joy for me to have such an eminent, loving and scholarly guide from whom I received constant encouragement and whose profound interest in this research has enabled me to complete this work in time.
Finally, I take this opportunity to thank Principal M. V. Shingre of Ramniranjan Jhunjhunawala College where I am teaching, Prof. J. Sta-Maria, Head of the Department of Philosophy, Jhunjhunwala College and also the librarians of this college, Ruparel College and University of Bombay for their cooperation and facilities rendered to me.
I cannot refrain from thanking Mr. M. M. Shirodkar for his efficient typing of the thesis. April, 1980
Kokila H. Shah