Book Title: Manava Dharma
Author(s): Bhurmal Shastri, Nihalchandra Jain
Publisher: Aacharya 	Gyansagar Vagartha Vimarsha Kendra

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Page 57
________________ MANAV DHARMA / 35 to walk ahead of them. Thus he provides light to all around him but there iemains darkness over his head. Same is the condition of we, people, today. We know how to give good sermons and preachings to others, but we fail to understand how to act accordingly. We ourselves do not want to put anything in practice, with the result that the achievement is nil. What we should do, is to talk less and work more and this will inspire others to follow up the preachings in practical life and only then there will be the actual and real PRABHAVANA. On that path, on which we wish to march on, and make or inspire others to follow on, then we must keep in our mind the influence of eight above mentioned ANGAS and then only we will be able to do some concrete practical work. Now, the author is explaining about those who became famous in the history by adopting these eight ANGAS and what had been the results of that follow up : तावदजन-चौरोने ततोऽनंत मतिः स्मृता । उद्दायन -स्तृतीयेऽपि तुरीये रेवती मता ॥१९॥ ततो जिनेन्द्र भक्तोऽन्यो वारिषेणस्ततः परः । विष्णुश्च वज़नामा च शेषयो लक्ष्यतां गताः ॥२०॥ Explanation : Anjana thief in the first anga, then Anantmati are remembered; Uddayana in the third and Revati Rani in the fourth are considered most excellent. Then Jinendrabhakta, after that Varisen and Vishnu kumar and Vajra Kumar respectively in the remaining two i.e. seventh and the eighth 'angas' of Right faith. have attained to fame. The biographies of these great personages, who have acquired undying: fame by excelling in the different 'Angas' of Right faith, are given in the Jaina Puranas, and may be studied with their aid, They are omitted here, as they are calculated to swell the bulk of the book. It is not to be supposed that the personages named exhaust the list of true believers; there have been many famous jains, though these are particularly noted for the specific qualities evolved out by them with reference to Right faith. Hence we would like to explain and tell only so much, that keeping these personages in our rememberance, we should devote ourselves in such works. We can never be free from indebtedness of our responsibilities without actively following up the eight angas, if at all we wish to get concrete achievement and its result in our life. If has been explained in following verse -


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