Apadhyana i.e. evil thinking
(ii) Papopadesha i.e. evil instructions.
Pramadacharya i.e. careless dealings.
(iv) Himsadana i.e. gifts of instruments of offence Duh-Sruti hearing evil
These are called five kinds of Anartha-dandavrata.
तिर्य्यक्-क्लेश- वणिज्याहिंसारम्भ प्रलम्भना - दीनाम् । प्रसवः कथा-प्रसङ्गः स्मर्तव्यः पाप उपदेशः ॥७६ ||
Explanation :
Narrating accounts having reference to Acts of cruelty to lower forms of life, trade, himsa, occupations, sewindling and the like is to be known as Papopdesha (evil lesson).
Description :
During the course of talking, one may try or bring out such reference, which may cause cruelty towards the animals like cows. bullocks and buffaloes and others. Sinful advice should never be given to persons living upon trade, services or industry and they should not be over-encouraged for such works which may hamper their religious activities like worshipping, giving donations and other daily activities of life like eating, drinking and clothing or these may prove a reference of violence or such people may develop a feeling of greediness; all these may be taken as "Papopadesha Anarthadand-vrata".
To illustrat it:- Four or five friends were sitting in a forest gossipping with each other. One hunter passed by their side and the friends for the sake of Joke and enjoyment told him that there were seen a number of deer in the nearby jungle. Now the Hunter would enter the forest and luckily he happaned to kill four or five deer. Due to this joke and for enjoyment sake, a great sinful deed had been committed by those friends and this is known as PAPOPADESHA Anartha dandavrata. Now let us see what is Himsadan Anarthadand vrata :
परशुकृपाण - खनित्र ज्वलनायुध - शृङ्गि श्रृंखलादीनाम् । बधहेतूनां दानं हिंसा दानं ब्रुवन्तिः बुधाः ॥७७॥ Explanation :
The giving of the means of himsa a battle-axe, a sword, an instrument for digging, fire, weapons, a horn, a chain and the like is called Himsadana by the wise people.