and universal well being in such saints. Such saints will lack all spiritual traits and excellence of universal virtues in them. Such saints may be less in number, who have renounced all worldly attachments and passions and once renounced means no attractian for them again at any cost. Just as a pigeon, out of its deep hunger, does not eat the germs and insects but satisfies its hunger only with the seeds of corn, similary those ascetics who lead a pious, simple and self restraint life of austerity with high moral attributes are called as SUPATRA or Real Saints. Hence the important duty of the House-holders is to render all respectful and selfless service to saints, who are the respository of excellent qualities and attributes.
Thus by serving such saints a householder attains such contentment and pleasure which is not even available to the Devasresidents of Heaven. By following and practising the traditional principles of Asceticism, and code of conduct, such saints, winning over all their 'karmas', get their abode in heaven or in Moksha, as the case may be. To get such high state of existence in heaven or in 'Moksha'. i.e. to get the emancipation from the cycle of births is the counter result of the services rendered by their devotees. Saints are the places of reverence and worship and selfless services rendered to them are never wasted but in return, the householder gets rid of vices and gains virtues (Punya) and auspicious disposition, which may lead him also to the path of 'Sanyam' and austerity. Hence the greatness and glory of service is unlimited, undescribable and unsurpassed. A poet has righlty said 'Seva dharmah Param gahano yoginamapya gamah". ( सेवाधर्मः परमगहनो योगिनामप्यगमः)
While giving charity to such real saints a householder has a firm belief that this charity will abandon him from all his aversions and vices, earned by him in his worldly life. Hence he gives charity with the respectful feeling and belief as detailed below :
He gives charity with a feeling of great respect and worship for the holy saints
After giving charity of money or objects in various specified ways, he realises as if he has acquired valuable and most precious wealth of Joy and Internal pleasure - a feeling of great self
While giving charity to these holy saints, he internally feels whether or not the ascetic is suffering from serious physical disease, which may hamper or obstruct in his self meditation and observance various vows, he has taken If this is in positive, he tries his best in discharging his regular service for removing the disease.