64 / MANAV DHARMA simple and delicious food and this will be taken as the Real Charity or DAAN. The Jain Monks have abstained themselves totally from crushing the grain in wooden mortar ( 3 Teri) okhali, grinding, kindling of fire, lighting up the Anghithi (37idt), cooking the food, fetching of the water from the well, sweeping up of rooms with the broom and the like activities but a householder can not carry on his routine work of life without performing these activities.
Now if a householder either fails to perform these five-six activities or shows some kind of laziness, then his downfall is definlte. Either he has to lose his life or shall have to depend on the food available in the market or Hotels. If being a saint he himself performs such activities, then he is bound to be corrupt as he has nothing to do with such activities. Generally a house holder fulfils their need of Ahar (food). Whatever pure, simple food is prepared by the householder out of which he offers to his reverend guests like Jain Monks. Such monks should accept the 'Ahar given by the householder with proper respect and then pass their rest of time in meditation and spiritiual contemplation otherwise the main purpose of “Ahardan", its giving and taking, will become purposeless as is cleared in following verse :
गृहकर्मणापि निचितं कर्म विमार्टि खलु गृहविमुक्तानाम् ।
अतिथीनां प्रतिपूजा रुधिरमलं धावते वारि ॥११४॥ Explanation :
As water, for certain, washes the blood, so does the giving of food, with devotion, to homeless saints without doubt, destroy the sins incidental to householder's life. Description :
(Samyam Bhaviradh yatra tati Gachhatete Atithi)” (Hina faktet Maafa togrilfa 37fafa'') that man who does not give a chance of destruction to his own character and by daily routine efforts is taken to an 'Athithi" Guest (from A, not, and tithi-date). The Jain saints do not accept invitation before hand but come without previous appointment. They have renounced all worldly activites of earning money, doing some business or Agriculture and have adopted samyam or self restraint. For a householder, to render selfless service with devotion to such saints; to extract some time from his own valuable time and devote that in the service of such saints for their needs, and to arrange food from his own food and offer the same to such saints, all these pious activities are bound to destroy his sins incidental to a house